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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.


Tag: NMR and MRI

How MRI Machines Work

Watch how radio waves and strong magnets combine to create pictures of the inside of our bodies.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines, commonly known as MRIs, are awesome diagnostic tools for medical applications and research. Relying on strong superconducting magnets, they save countless lives with their ability to visualize tumors and other medical abnormalities.

Reveal Veggie MRI

You've probably heard of people having MRIs, but what would fruits & veggies look like imaged by a powerful magnet? Try your hand at our new guessing game to put your mind to the test.

MRI: A Guided Tour

These awesome diagnostic tools, powered by strong superconducting magnets, save countless lives with their ability to pinpoint tumors and other abnormalities.

The Wonderful World of MOFs

Follow us down this yellow brick road to learn how these deceptively small molecules conceal enormous potential for applications from carbon capture to data storage.

World’s Strongest Human MRI

Pack a sack lunch and load up! We're hitting the road to learn how this massive magnet tracks sodium moving through your brain.

Hidden Magnetism Revealed in a Cuprate Superconductor

This research clarifies fundamental relationships between magnetism, superconductivity and the nature of the enigmatic “pseudogap state" in cuprate superconductors. The discovery provides an additional puzzle piece in the theoretical understanding of high-temperature superconductors - a key towards improving and utilizing these materials for technological applications.

First Spin Coherence Measurements in the MagLab's 32T Superconducting Magnet

The MagLab's 32 T all-superconducting magnet is now serving users at full field. An early experiment in the magnet identified an important milestone on the road to quantum computers.

Novel Metallofullerene Boosts Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

In this study, researchers added a low concentration of the endohedral metallofullerene (EMF) Gd2@C79N to DNP samples, finding that 1H and 13C enhancements increased by 40% and 50%, respectively, at 5 teslas and 1.2 Kelvin.

High Field Uncovers Magnetic Properties in Chains of Copper Ions

The findings contribute to scientists' understanding of magnetic materials that could point the way to future applications.

Tuberculosis Metalloproteins Probed With High-Field Electron Magnetic Resonance

High-magnetic-field time-resolved electron magnetic resonance was used to probe the unusual manganese/iron complex that is believed to play a role in the disease-producing activity of tuberculosis “superbugs,” revealing a vacancy in the vicinity of the manganese that is believed to enable a target molecule to bind to the metal ion.

Luttinger Liquid Behavior of Helium-Three in Nanotubes

Study of helium atoms at low temperatures illuminate extreme quantum effects that were earlier predicted.

Luttinger Liquid Behavior of 3He Atoms

Using the NMR techniques and ultra-low temperature facilities at the MagLab, atoms of a pure isotope of helium showed experimental signs of the Luttinger liquid theory, an exact quantum mechanical solution of interacting fermions in one-dimension. 

Ultrahigh Performance Molecular Imaging using the 21T ICR Magnet

Combining spatial imaging technology with ultrahigh performance FT-ICR mass spectrometry provides users with the unique ability to create tissue images of identified biomolecules. This technology will be applied to understand human health and disease.

Sunlight converts plastics into diverse chemical mixtures

Sunlight can chemically transform plastics from consumer plastic bags into complex chemical mixtures that leach into the ocean. Understanding the impact of plastic pollution requires advanced analytical techniques that can identify transformed plastic molecules in water samples, and requires instrumentation only available at the MagLab.

Imaging Current Flow in the Brain During Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

Scientists measured the first in vivo images of stimulated current within the brain using an imaging method that may improve reproducibility and safety, and help understand the mechanisms of action of electrical stimulation.

Imaging pH Levels With a Cobalt MRI Probe

A new pH sensitive contrast agent for MR imaging has been developed that produces image contrast based on the local pH and that has great potential for use in living animals and medical diagnostics.

"Molecular Sieves" Could Lead to Much Cheaper Gas Production

Combining high-field NMR with infrared microscopy, scientists learned more about how gas diffuses in a novel class of molecular sieves that could one day be used for gas separation.

NMR-Based Metabolomics of Coral with Resistance to Bleaching

Three variants of the coral species A cervicornis were found to have unique metabolic signatures that can be distinguished by NMR spectroscopy. Differing levels of the metabolite trimethylamine-N-oxide, an important compound that protects against nitrogen overload, can distinguish the three variants studied. Understanding how species vary metabolically, and how that translates to species survival in stressed environments, may help us to establish desirable traits that could help with restoration and other interventions.

Brain Waste Pathway Found

Little is known about the path of metabolic waste clearance from the brain. Here, high-field magnetic resonance images a possible pathway for metabolic waste removal from the brain and suggests that waste clearance may be one reason why we sleep.

MRI Detects Brain Responses to Alzheimer's Disease Plaque Deposits and Inflammation

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of mouse models for Alzheimer’s disease can be used to determine brain response to plaque deposits and inflammation that ultimately disrupt emotion, learning, and memory. Quantification of the early changes with high resolution MRI could help monitor and predict disease progression, as well as potentially suggest new treatment methods.

Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Can Detect Cancer Metabolism

Magnetic resonance of cancer cell metabolism is a novel technique to discern between cancerous and normal liver cells, providing a promising approach for cancer stage progression imaging without the harmful exposure of radiation.

Using Magnetic Resonance to Probe Lipid Synthesis in Response to Ketogenic Diet

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and its progression to more serious diseases will become the main cause for liver transplant in the next 5 years. Here, researchers used deuterium magnetic resonance to study dietary influences on lipid synthesis demonstrating that high fat ketogenic diets significantly slow de novo lipogenesis, a process by which excess carbohydrates are covered into fatty acids and stored as triacylglycerols.

Restoration of Breathing After Drug Overdose and Spinal Cord Injuries

Respiratory insufficiency is a leading cause of death due to drug overdose or spinal cord injuries. The diaphragm can be stimulated using temporal interference (TI) to restore ventilation with minimally invasive electrodes.

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Peat Wetland Ecosystems

Understanding the organic composition of peat wetland soils can determine whether the carbon sources may be converted into carbon dioxide gas, work that could improve existing climate models and better predict the impact of increasing carbon dioxide to wetland ecosystems.

Mystery of the Origin of MRI Signal in Stroke Solved

MRI scans taken after a stroke show brightness around the injury, the origins of which have been a long-standing and vexatious mystery for scientists. This work suggests these MRI signal changes result from fluid changes in glial cell volumes, results that could advance our ability to distinguish reversible and irreversible stroke events or provide a better understanding for other disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and mood or sleep disorders. 

Atomic-Level Insights into How Polymers Improve Protein Therapeutics

Using NMR, researchers determined a molecular model of a protein-polymer conjugate, providing new insights into how polymers can be used to make protein drugs more robust.

Different Protein Receptor Responses Resulting from Different Membrane Environments

Special protein-coupled receptors play a role in nearly all physiological responses and are targets for more than 1/3 of all FDA-approved drugs. State-of-the art instrumentation at the MagLab allowed researchers to explore the effects of different lipid compositions on receptor activation, hinting that hereditary or dietary factors may influence the effectiveness of drugs.

18O Water Used to Examine Metabolic Functions

Deuterated water (2H2O) is often used to examine metabolic pathways in humans and animals. However, it can cause toxicity and distort metabolic readings. Here, using nuclear magnetic resonance technology, the researchers showed that a different molecule, 18O water (H218O), can be used instead of deuterated water to provide similar information without the metabolic distortions.

A New DNA Structure Discovered

Scientists can create synthetic imitations of natural polymers, such as DNA, which provide an understanding of how nature works and can confer unique properties to the polymer that enable new applications in biotechnology. Researchers have discovered a new DNA structure can be created by adding a synthetic nucleotide to the DNA sequence. This new structure forms a compact fold that could have significant implications for the use of DNA in chemical sensors and information storage.

Metabolic Assessment of Migraines Using Ultra-High Magnetic Fields

The causes of migraines are not well understood, with treatment limited to addressing pain rather than its origin. Research conducted with hydrogen MRI is attempting to identify the "migraine generator."

Uncovering the Secrets of Fungal Cell Walls

With unprecedented sensitivity and resolution from state-of-the-art magnets, scientists have identified for the first time the cell wall structure of one of the most prevalent and deadly fungi.

Scientists Identify Potential Biomarker for Brain Diseases

With advanced techniques and world-record magnetic fields, researchers have detected new MRI signals from brain tumors.

Ultra-High Magnetic Fields Provide New Insights Into Bone-Like Materials

Very high magnetic fields now enable researchers to understand what surrounds calcium atoms in materials.

Liquid State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at High Magnetic Field

This finding demonstrates a path forward to dramatically enhance sensitivity for molecule concentration measurement by magnetic resonance using Overhauser DNP.

Analytical Tool for in Vivo Triple Quantum MR Signals

Magnetic resonance (MR) signals of sodium and potassium nuclei during ion binding are attracting increased attention as a potential biomarker of in vivo cell energy metabolism. This new analytical tool helps describe and visualize the results of MR experiments in the presence of in vivo ion binding.

Probing Metal Organic Frameworks with 17O NMR at 35.2 T

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are porous materials with high surface areas that can host a variety of different guest molecules, leading to applications in catalysis, drug delivery, chemical separation, fuel cells, and data storage. In order to design better MOFs, knowledge of their molecular-level structures is crucial. At the MagLab, the highest-field NMR spectrometer in the world was used to probe the complex structures of MOFs both "as built" and as they exist when other "guest" molecules are inserted inside the framework.

Structure of Boron-Based Catalysts from 11B Solid-State NMR at 35.2T

Measurements performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory provide unique insight into molecular structure of next-generation catalysts for the production of the widely used industrial chemical, propene.

A New Method for Understanding Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

A new method to study how the nuclei of atoms “communicate” with one another in the presence of unpaired electron spins has been developed at the MagLab. Known as hyperpolarization resurgence (HypRes), this method benefits and expands the application of a revolutionary technique known as dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), which provides enormous signal enhancements in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments.

Understanding How Fungi Build Their Cell Walls for Protection

Scientists have used high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to reveal how fungal pathogens use carbohydrates and proteins to build their cell walls (the protective layers outside of the cell). These findings will guide the development of novel antifungal drugs that target the cell wall molecules to combat life-threatening diseases caused by invasive fungal infections.

Finding Water Molecules with Important Biological Activity

A new 17O solid-state NMR technique, employed on the highest-field NMR spectrometer in the world (the 36 T Series Connected Hybrid), identifies water molecules in different layers of a model membrane for the first time.

17O Labeling Reveals Paired Active Sites in Zeolite Catalysts

Zeolite catalysts are critical to generating the molecules that provide the building blocks of society’s energy and materials needs. Discerning a clear atomic-level picture of the active sites remains challenging for most current technologies, but here we show that solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) methods coupled with ultra-high magnetic field instruments, can and has provided extremely useful information for catalyst development.

Solid-State 17O NMR for Studies of Organic and Biological Molecules

Chemists are rarely able to use oxygen NMR to determine molecular structures, since 17O is an extremely challenging nucleus to observe. This work provides a mechanism for obtaining a complete set of 17O NMR parameters for a glucose molecule, paving the way for researchers to consider 17O NMR as a new spectroscopic tool. 

Integration of 17O into the Biomolecular Toolkit

Combining high magnetic fields, specialized probes, and measurement techniques, this work adds the crucial 17O nucleus into the study of biomolecules like peptides, proteins, and enzymes. 

Inside Velvet Worm Slime: Rare Protein Modification for Fast Fiber Formation

A protein modification rarely found in terrestrial animals was discovered in the slime of the velvet worm. This slime, which is projected for prey capture and self defence, turns into strong, sticky, water-soluble fibers. Dynamic nuclear polarization - nuclear magnetic resonance (DNP-NMR) facilities at the MagLab were used to understand the molecular structure of these fibers, work that may inspire the development and production of new classes of sustainable, advanced materials.

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Platinum Group Elements with 103Rh Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

Rhodium (Rh) is one of the most costly and scarce platinum group elements; however, it is of great importance in many technologies including catalytic converters, electronics, and medical devices. Here ultra-high magnetic field instruments and new NMR methodology at the MagLab unlocked access to perform 103Rh solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, a technique that can study the molecular structures of Rh-containing materials.

Probing the Chemistry of Fuel Cells with 71 Ga NMR Spectroscopy

Solid oxide fuel cells generate clean energy by oxidizing green fuels like hydrogen and reducing atmospheric oxygen, without recharging or emissions that contribute to climate change. They use a fast ion conductor electrolyte to move oxygen ions between electrodes, converting chemical energy to power. Our research uses 71Ga solid-state NMR spectroscopy on the highest-field magnet in the world to study the numbers of oxygen ions near gallium atoms – this will inform the design of better electrolyte materials for fuel cells.

NMR FAIR Data: Phase-Separation Properties of an RNA-Binding Protein

Evolutionary biologists reused FAIR data generated at the MagLab's NMR facility to model an RNA-binding protein in mammals dating back 160 million years and to explore how evolution and natural selection have influenced the structure of the protein. Their work suggests new strategies for improving our understanding of this protein, which could lead to improved therapies for neurodegenerative diseases like ALS.

AMRIS FAIR Data: Standardizing Rat Brain Imaging Datasets

Datasets of rat brain imaging can be difficult to compare due to the different conditions used to collect them. The Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (AMRIS) Facility participated in a multi-institution study to develop a standardized protocol for functional MRI rat brain datasets, work that will help data be reused effectively to yield new discoveries. 

Ceramic Insulation for High-Temperature Superconducting Wire

MagLab scientists and engineers have developed a special coating on Bi-2212 superconducting wire for electrical insulation in superconducting magnets that will enable the wire to be used in ultra-high field nuclear magnetic resonance magnets.

Novel "Hot-Bronze" Nb3Sn for Compact Accelerators

A new "hot bronze" thin film growth recipe was developed to produce high quality superconducting Niobium-Tin (Nb3Sn) films that are easier to fabricate and that outperform existing technologies.

An R&D Milestone for Bi-2212 High Temperature Superconducting Magnets

High temperature superconducting magnets offer tremendous potential for technological advancements and scientific discoveries, making them essential in various aspects of modern society. This work focuses on a milestone in mechanical reinforcement and overall operation of a Bi-2212 magnet.

National MagLab Racks up New Record with Hybrid Magnet

Combining tremendous strength with a high-quality field, the MagLab’s newest instrument promises big advances in interdisciplinary research.

Study on Motor Neuron Proteins Lands on Cover of Cell

Research sheds new light on the formation of harmful structures that can lead to neurodegenerative diseases.

Scientists Discover Cheap Fluid That Could Lead to Cheap MRIs

Finding could make pricey, massive scanners a thing of the past.

New ‘Architecture’ Discovered in Corn

Findings that “go against the textbooks” may improve biofuel production.

Researchers Discover Sodium-Migraine Link Before Pain Occurs

Findings clarify the role of sodium increase early in migraines and point to the region where symptoms may start.

MagLab Chemist Receives High Honor From Florida State

Lab veteran Tim Cross has been named 2019-2020 Lawton Distinguished Professor by his peers.

With mini magnet, National MagLab creates world-record magnetic field

The compact coil could lead to a new generation of magnets for biomedical research, nuclear fusion reactors and many applications in between.

$3.3 Million NIH Grant to Fund MagLab Research

Researchers at the National MagLab will study the role sodium plays in this painful disease and test treatments that could offer relief.

New NMR Director Takes the Helm

As head of nuclear magnetic resonance at the MagLab's Tallahassee headquarters, Rob Schurko hopes to expand capabilities and build new magnets.

Understanding How Pathogenic Fungi Build Their Carbohydrate Armor

Molecular architecture of fungal cell walls and the structural responses to stresses revealed in new paper.

NIH Invests in MagLab Biomedical Advances

Improving technology for research of biomolecules and advancing our understanding of health and disease.

Cracking the Chemical Code of the "Silly String of Death"

MagLab analysis provides new insight about the molecular composition of velvet worm slime, which has long fascinated scientists because of its remarkable qualities.

MagLab Scientist Honored for Contributions to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

MagLab NMR Facility Director Rob Schurko was awarded the Vold Prize for his contributions to the field of solid-state NMR over the past 25 years.

MagLab Investigates the Structure of a Key COVID-19 Protein

Researchers are working to characterize the virus’ envelope protein, or E protein, believed to be key to virus activity.

MagLab Collaborates on Sustainable Jet Fuel Research

Fuel made from corn harvest waste would reduce greenhouse emissions by 70%.

MagLab Researches Better Battery Design

An FSU chemistry team advances work to find batteries that charge faster and last longer.

"Dynamic Dance:" How a Deadly Fungus Adapts to Drug Treatment

Research shows the fungus shuffles and rebuilds its cell wall to defend against antifungal drugs.

MRI Research at the MagLab

With the most powerful MRI machine in the world, you can do cutting-edge studies on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, tobacco use, muscles and more.

Sodium Science

Sodium MRI techniques point to better cancer treatments.

10 Cool Things About the World's Strongest MRI Magnet

What are the ten coolest (and most surprising) things about the world's strongest MRI magnet? 

Crossing a Mack Truck With a Ferrari

Two MagLab teams tried marrying vastly different technologies to build a new type of magnet: the Series Connected Hybrid. Decades later, has the oddball pairing panned out?

Combatting COVID: Digging Deeper for COVID-Causing Proteins

Researcher digs below the coronavirus's membrane in search of another layer of infection-causing proteins. 

Combatting COVID: Setting the Science Straight on a COVID Protein

For membrane protein expert Tim Cross, solving the structure of a misunderstood protein put retirement on hold.

Combatting COVID: COVID Drug-Target Dragnet

The virus that causes COVID-19 has thousands of potential drug targets. A global team is on a hunt for the best candidates.

Combatting COVID: Stemming the Spread of COVID

A team of experts believes stem cells could be a route to a fast, effective therapy.

Double Whammy

What happens when a kid with ADHD sustains a concussion? Using high-field magnets, researchers are working to find out.

Mapping the Brain's Weird Web of Waste

Using advanced MRI, a mechanical engineer tackles the question: "Why do you have these big fluid spaces in your head?"

MagLab Tests a New Way to Look at the Lungs

MagLab researchers and doctors at the University of Florida are testing a new MRI technique that can deliver images of the lungs like never before

Meet Kendra Frederick

It's freaking hard to examine proteins closely in their native habitat. With the help of very clever magnet instrumentation, University of Texas scientist Kendra Frederick is up for the challenge.

Meet Andreas Neubauer

Andreas Neubauer took the extended stay option during his recent trip to the MagLab. After all, you can't rush art — especially when it's mixed with science.

A Mouse

Why are scientists putting a mouse in the MagLab's magnets? A scientist is developing an MRI technique to detect kidney disease that lights up the organs' metabolism.

A rodent

With the help of the world's strongest MRI machine, a scientist uses a novel technique to pinpoint ground zero for a migraine.

Peat Soil

Looking for clues on climate change, a scientist digs up the dirt on peat from around the world.

From Kansas to MIT: Long's Long Road to a Career in Chemistry

Each day at work, Long, tackles the twin duties of providing administrative leadership for a growing program, and her own scientific research.

The Master of Miniature

In the hands of Peter Gor'kov, scientific tools become works of fine art.

Last modified on 10 August 2022