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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

News & Events

Scientist doing an experiment with children during Open House

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Read our latest stories, watch a video, or see upcoming events for scientists and the community on our calendar. 

Bulletin Board

Recent News

A specialized MRI coil and sample holder designed for imaging solid-state lithium-ion batteries.

MagLab Researchers Decipher the Cause of Solid-State Battery Breakdowns

The next-generation batteries hold great potential to revolutionize energy storage.

lead art

Building Better Magnets for Biomedical Breakthroughs

MagLab engineers will develop a new superconducting magnet for high-field nuclear magnetic resonance research.

FSU MagLab Director Kathleen Amm

MagLab Director to Mentor Emerging Science Leaders

Kathleen Amm will coach and guide promising young leaders from the Department of Energy’s 17 National Labs.

Upcoming Events for Scientists

There are no upcoming events currently scheduled at the MagLab. Please check back or follow us on social media.

Upcoming Events for Community and Education

There are no upcoming events currently scheduled at the MagLab. Please check back or follow us on social media.

MagLab in the News

Does Barbie’s pink look fake? It may be Earth’s oldest organic color.

Source: Washington Post | Published: July 25, 2023

Studies confirm the theory of superfluid helium

Source: Tech Explorist | Published: July 18, 2023

FAMU-FSU researchers confirm theory for superfluid helium

Source: News Wise | Published: July 17, 2023

Explore our Feature Stories

Science graphic on health


Read stories about how scientists are learning more about living structures and investigating diseases with the world’s strongest MRI magnet and the most powerful magnet used for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Science graphic on Physics

Materials Research

Read articles about the new materials scientists are using magnets to understand that will enable faster, smaller, smarter and stronger high-tech products of the future, including quantum devices.

Science graphic on the environment


Read stories of scientists who are working to protect the planet with the help of complex chemical analysis performed on powerful magnets to understand the make-up of dissolved organic matter, PFAS chemicals, petroleum and more.

Science graphic on understanding our world


Seeking the most powerful magnetic fields on Earth, scientists and engineers from across the world come to the MagLab to explore promising new materials, solve energy challenges, protect the environment and advance our understanding of living things.

Media Resources

Logo and Brand

What does the National MagLab's logo mean? Find out the deeper meaning and download it for use in poster presentations, powerpoints and other acknowledgement sections.

Available Expert

Want to interview a magnet expert? We've got dozens of scientists and engineers to offer expertise in many areas of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology.

Photo & Video Gallery

Looking for a photo of the world's largest and highest-powered magnet lab? Check out our photo and video galleries which have assets available for download.