Leading the world with the unique combination of high magnetic fields with ultra-low temperatures in a reduced electromagnetic noise environment.
The High B/T Facility supports researchers in realizing challenging experiments at the combined extremes of sub-mK temperatures and high magnetic fields. In addition, the ultra-quiet electromagnetic environment required to reach these temperatures is ideal for highly sensitive low noise measurements. Two demagnetization cryostats are available to all qualified users, with no prior experience in magnetic refrigeration required.
Adams, J.; Lewkowitz, M.; Huan, C.; Masuhara, N.; Candela, D.; Sullivan, N.S., Physical Review B, 106, 195402 (2022)
Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.
Andrew J. Woods, Alexander M. Donald, Rasul Gazizulin, Eddy Collin, Lucia Steinke, Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 024501 (2023)
Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.
Richard L.J. Qiu, Chieh-Wen Liu, Andrew J. Woods, Alessandro Serafin, Jian-Sheng Xia, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Ken W. West, Xuan P.A. Gao, arXiv:2012.13485 (2020)
Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.
Our magnets are open to all scientists - for free - via a competitive process and we accept proposals through out the year.
After your work is completed, you are asked to report to the laboratory, in a timely manner.
Note: Proposals can be submitted at any time. To prepare for magnet time, read through the High B/T Users Manual.
Facility Director
For information regarding the facility's capabilities or requesting magnet time.