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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

External Advisory Committee

Made up of representatives from academia, government and industry, this committee offers advice on matters critical to the successful management of the lab.

Stuart Brown - External Advisory Committee Chair
Stuart Brown - External Advisory Committee Chair

University of California, Los Angeles

Department of Physics and Astronomy

475 Portola Plaza

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547

Phone: 310-825-4234

E-mail: Stuart Brown

Franklin Leach (ex officio member of EAC)
Franklin Leach (ex officio member of EAC)

University of Georgia

Phone: 706-542-7146

E-mail: Franklin Leach

Magnet Technology and Materials Subcommittee

Luca Bottura - External Advisory Committee Vice Chair
Luca Bottura - External Advisory Committee Vice Chair

Magnets, Superconductors and Cryostats

Technology Department

CERN M24320

CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

Phone: 41-22-767-3729

Cell: 41-22-767-6230

E-mail: Luca Bottura

Jeff Parrell
Jeff Parrell

Bruker OST LLC

600 Milik Street

Carteret, NJ 07008

Phone: 732-850-9319

Cell: 732-766-8861

E-mail: Jeff Parrell

Biology and Chemistry Subcommittee

R. David Britt
R. David Britt


Department of Chemistry

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Phone: 530-752-6377

E-mail: R. David Britt

Wei Chen
Wei Chen

University of Minnesota

Center for Magnetic Resonance Research

2021 6th Street S.E., 1-211E CMRR

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: 612-625-8814

E-mail: Wei Chen

Robert Griffin
Robert Griffin


Department of Chemistry

NW 14 - 3220, 77 Massachusetts Ave.

Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617-253-5597

E-mail: Robert Griffin

Songi Han - External Advisory Committee Vice Chair
Songi Han - External Advisory Committee Vice Chair

Northwestern University

Department of Chemistry

Silverman Hall 4619

2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208

Phone: 847-491-5060

E-mail: Songi Han

Yining Huang
Yining Huang

Western University

Chemistry Department

Rm. 120 ChB

1151 Richmond Street

London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7

Phone: 519-661-2166 ext 83122

E-mail: Yining Huang

Tatyana Polenova
Tatyana Polenova

University of Delaware

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

036 Brown Laboratory

Newark, DE 19716

Phone: 302-831-1968

E-mail: Tatyana Polenova

Marek Pruski
Marek Pruski

Ames Lab

Iowa State University

Department of Chemistry

230 Spedding

2416 Pammel Dr

Ames, IA 50011-2416

E-mail: Marek Pruski

Susan Richardson
Susan Richardson

University of South Carolina

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Phone: 803-777-6932

E-mail: Susan Richardson

Vicki Wysocki
Vicki Wysocki

The Ohio State University

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Phone: 614-292-8687

E-mail: Vicki Wysocki

Condensed Matter Subcommittee

Christoph Boehme
Christoph Boehme

University of Utah

115 S. 1400 E

Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0803

Phone: 801-581-6806

E-mail: Christoph Boehme

Cory Dean
Cory Dean

City College of New York

Condensed Matter Physics

920 Pupin Hall, Mail Code: 9349

New York, NY 10027

E-mail: Cory Dean

Ian R. Fisher
Ian R. Fisher

Stanford University

Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials

Dept. of Applied Physics

McCullough Bldg. Rm 364

476 Lomita Mall

CA 94305-4045

E-mail: Ian R. Fisher

Chris Hammel
Chris Hammel

The Ohio State University

2000 Physics Research Building Lab 121&127/179/1155

191 West Woodruff Ave

Columbus, OH 43210

Phone: 614-247-6928

E-mail: Chris Hammel

Ni Ni
Ni Ni

University of California, Los Angeles

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Knudsen 6-130L

475 Portola Plaza

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547

Phone: 310-825-3373

Email: Ni Ni

Nai-Chang Yeh
Nai-Chang Yeh

California Institute of Technology

Physics Department

103-33 114-36, Condensed Matter Physics

1200 E. California Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91125

Phone: 626-395-6811

Phone: 626-395-4313 (w)

Email: Nai-Chang Yeh

Science Management

Jonathan Bagger
Jonathan Bagger

American Physical Society

1 Physics Ellipse

College Park, MD 20740-3844

Phone: 301-209-3200

E-mail: Jonathan Bagger

Joel Brock
Joel Brock

Cornell University

Applied and Engineering Physics

271 Clark Hall, Room 201

142 Sciences Drive

Ithaca, NY 14853-3501

Phone: 607-255-9006

E-mail: Joel Brock

Roger Falcone
Roger Falcone

University of California, Berkeley

Physics Department

366 Physics North MC 7300

Berkeley, CA 94720-7300

E-mail: Roger Falcone

Michael R. Norman
Michael R. Norman

Argonne National Laboratory

Bldg. 223, M-131

Lemont, IL 60439

Phone: 630-252-3518

Email: Michael R. Norman

Bruce P. Strauss - External Advisory Committee Vice Chair
Bruce P. Strauss - External Advisory Committee Vice Chair

US Department of Energy

1000 Independence Ave SW SC-25

Washington, DC 20585-1290

Phone: 301-903-3705

E-mail: Bruce P. Strauss

Alan Tennant
Alan Tennant

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Physics and Astronomy

401 Nielsen Physics Building

1408 Circle Drive

Knoxville, TN 37996-1200

E-mail: Alan Tennant

For more information contact Anke Toth.

Last modified on 27 January 2025