Tag: Magnet technology
This model train demonstrates magnetic levitation, the Meissner Effect and magnetic flux trapping.
Take a journey into the center of a one of our high field magnets, a 41-tesla resistive magnet, to see how it's made, how it works, and how it's used to study materials at the MagLab.
Take a journey into the center of a one of our magnets to watch an experiment on graphene, one of many things scientists study at the MagLab.
They don't call it super for nothing. Once you get a superconductor going, it'll keep on ticking like the Energizer Bunny, only a lot longer. The catch is, it needs to be kept colder than Pluto.
If your knowledge of magnets ends with posting a to-do list on the fridge, add this to the list: Learn more about magnets! You can start here with a straightforward rundown of magnet types, uses and strengths, explained in a way that will help make the facts stick.
At the National MagLab and other labs across the globe, the race to discover ever-warmer superconductors is heating up. Find out what these materials are, what they’re good for and why this field is red hot.
Awarded more than 100 patents over the course of his lifetime, Nikola Tesla was a man of considerable genius and vision.
What do you get when you mix a battery, a bit of copper wire and a nail? One of the most important forces in science. Try it yourself and let the force be with you!
This work provides important insight into one of the parent materials of iron-based superconductors.
Scientists found that the emergence of an exotic quantum mechanical phase in Ce1-xNdxCoIn5 is due to a shape change in the Fermi surface. This finding ran counter to theoretical arguments and has led investigators in new directions.
Scientists have long pursued the goal of superconductivity at room temperature. This work opens a route towards one day stabilizing superconductivity at room temperature, which could open tremendous technological opportunities.
The observation of topological states coupled with superconductivity represents an opportunity for scientists to manipulate nontrivial superconducting states via the spin-orbit interaction. While superconductivity has been extensively studied since its discovery in 1910, the advent of topological materials gives scientists a new avenue to explore quantum matter. BiPd is being studied using "MagLab-sized fields" by scientists from LSU in an effort to determine if it is indeed a topological superconductor.
MagLab users have modified the critical current of Nb3SN, a material that was thought to be fully exploited, and boosted its performance by 50%.
Studies of uranium ditelluride in high magnetic fields show superconductivity switching off at 35 T, but reoccurring at higher magnetic fields between 40 and 65 T.
A nematic phase is where the molecular/atomic dynamics show elements of both liquids and solids, like in liquid crystal displays on digital watches or calculators. Using high magnetic fields and high pressure, researchers probed the electronic states of an iron-based superconductor and found that its nematic state weakened superconductivity.
This research clarifies fundamental relationships between magnetism, superconductivity and the nature of the enigmatic “pseudogap state" in cuprate superconductors. The discovery provides an additional puzzle piece in the theoretical understanding of high-temperature superconductors - a key towards improving and utilizing these materials for technological applications.
Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements were performed in the all-new 32 T superconducting magnet in an effort to confirm a new quantum state. Results confirm the game-changing nature of this magnet.
The MagLab's 32 T all-superconducting magnet is now serving users at full field. An early experiment in the magnet identified an important milestone on the road to quantum computers.
A new pH sensitive contrast agent for MR imaging has been developed that produces image contrast based on the local pH and that has great potential for use in living animals and medical diagnostics.
Researchers demonstrate a new record magnetoresistance in graphene by improving the contacting method, which helps improve our understanding of the material and can be useful in future sensors, compasses and other applications.
Superconductors conduct large amounts of electricity without losses. They are also used to create very large magnetic fields, for example in MRI machines, to study materials and medicine. Here, researchers developed a fast, new "smart" technique to measure how much current a superconductor can carry using very high pulsed magnetic fields.
Physics does not yet know why copper-based superconductors (cuprates) conduct electrical current without dissipation at unprecedentedly high temperatures. Ultra high magnetic fields are used here to suppress superconductivity in a cuprate near absolute zero temperature, revealing an underlying transition to an electronic phase that might be the cause of the superconductivity.
Duplex magnets use two independent coils powered by capacitor banks to reduce the driven voltages and provide more design flexibility to maximize the generated magnetic fields. The Pulsed Field Facility developed such a duplex magnet to generate magnetic field up to 76.8 Tesla using existing 16-kV, 4-MJ capacitor bank (cap-bank) that now provides important information on a new state of matter in YbB12.
A defining experimental signature of a crossover in the strength of the pairing interactions from the weak coupling BCS to the strong coupling Bose-Einstein condensation limit has been discovered in high temperature superconductors.
MagLab scientists and engineers have developed a special coating on Bi-2212 superconducting wire for electrical insulation in superconducting magnets that will enable the wire to be used in ultra-high field nuclear magnetic resonance magnets.
Pulsed magnets are designed to operate near their structural limits to be able to generate extremely high magnetic fields. The coils have a limited life expectancy and thus need to be replaced on occasion. Fabrication of these large coils are now being done at the MagLab where advanced nondestructive examinations can be performed. Because of more rigorous quality controls and improvements in high-strength conductors and reinforcement materials, the lifetime of these coils can be extended.
Tests of high-temperature superconducting REBCO tapes at 4.2 K showed resistance to cyclic loading, demonstrating that it is a promising material for designing HTS magnets of the future.
Tests of the first Integrated Coil Form test coil wound using REBCO superconducting tape show promise for use in ultra powerful magnets of the future.
A recent test coil with more than 1300 meters of conductor successfully demonstrated a new winding technique for insulated REBCO technology and was fatigue cycled to high strain for hundreds of cycles. This is the MagLab's first "two-in-hand" wound coil and the first fatigue cycling test of a coil of this size, both of which are very important milestones on the path to a 40T user magnet.
A new device enables the testing of superconducting cables to high current without the high helium consumption associated with traditional current leads. This superconducting transformer will play an important role in testing cables needed for next-generation superconducting magnets.
A 19 T high-field magnet made with REBCO high-temperature superconductor, but without electrical insulation, was tested to see if it is a viable design option for a future 40 T all-superconducting magnet.
MagLab researchers developed a way to make a Copper-Chromium-Zirconium conductor for pulsed magnets that has tiny particles evenly distributed throughout, making it more conductive than commercially available alloys and stronger than the steel used in car panels.
A test protocol has been developed and successfully demonstrated the ability to evaluate the performance of a large percentage of tape in a REBCO-wound double pancake module.
High-temperature superconducting test coils have been subjected to extreme combined loads from high, cyclic pressure and electro-magnetic forces to understand the structural limits of the materials that will be used to make a 40 T all-superconducting magnet.
Because of such desirable properties as high mechanical strength and electrical conductivity, Cu–Ag nano-structured sheets are used, not only in high field DC magnets, but also in the insert for our 45 T hybrid magnet. Because the property anisotropy of these sheets must be considered in these applications, we have now further studied this anisotropic behavior, evaluated the strain-hardening or strain-softening capacity of these sheets, and correlated this capacity with their microstructure.
Because of such desirable properties as high mechanical strength and electrical conductivity, Cu–Ag nano-structured sheets are used, not only in high field DC magnets, but also in the insert for our 45 T hybrid magnet. Because the property anisotropy of these sheets must be considered in these applications, we have now further studied this anisotropic behavior, evaluated the strain-hardening or strain-softening capacity of these sheets, and correlated this capacity with their microstructure.
Recent measurements of superconducting tapes in the MagLab's 45-tesla hybrid magnet shows that the power function dependence of current on magnetic field remains valid up to 45T in liquid helium, while for magnetic field in the plane of the tape conductor, almost no magnetic field dependence is observed. Thus design of ultra-high-field magnets capable of reaching 50T and higher is feasible using the latest high-critical current density REBCO tape.
To increase the rate of particle collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, new powerful magnets will soon be made from Nb3Sn superconducting wires. Here, researchers report a change to the heat-treatment temperature to optimize Nb3Sn superconducting magnet performance.
Small additions of elemental Hafnium boosts current-carrying capability in Nb3Sn superconductor.
High field superconductor magnets greater than 10 T made from brittle Nb3Sn superconducting wires need special attention to their assembly, strength and endurance. This new study of damage in Nb3Sn superconducting wire from prototype accelerator coils built at CERN provides a path to designing better superconductor cables for the next generation of higher field accelerator magnets.
Researchers working to push the high temperature superconducting material (Bi-2212) to the forefront of superconducting magnet technology have used novel characterization methods to understand the complex relationship between its processing and its superconducting properties, specifically its current carrying capabilities.
Researchers studied the mechanics of supercurrent flow in state-of-the-art Bi-2212 superconducting round wires and learned that the microstructure of the superconducting filaments is inherently resilient, work that could open the door to new opportunities to raise supercurrent capacity of Bi-2212 round wires.
The start of a sustainable business model for manufacturing advanced superconductors was established by a panel of industry leaders, university faculty, national lab leaders, and science facility project heads, including representatives from the MagLab.
Large superconducting magnets need multi-conductor cables, which act like multi-lane freeways to allow electricity to switch lanes if one gets blocked. Here cross-sectional images of CORC wires reveal insights to improve the contact between conductors.
New work on round wires made with Bi-2212, a superconducting material, feature efficiency and performance that could enable the next generation of powerful magnets. Magnets made with these Bi-2212 round wires will enable nuclear fusion energy efforts, along with other applications where superconducting magnets are frequently charged and discharged during regular operation.
High magnetic fields are essential for many exciting scientific and industrial applications including next-generation MRI, particle accelerators, fusion, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Here, a Bi-2212 high-temperature superconducting test coil demonstrated robust operation up to 34T, expanding the options for future magnet development pathways.
High temperature superconducting magnets offer tremendous potential for technological advancements and scientific discoveries, making them essential in various aspects of modern society. This work focuses on a milestone in mechanical reinforcement and overall operation of a Bi-2212 magnet.
We demonstrated the ability to measure transport critical current dependencies Ic(B,T) of full-width REBCO tapes, giving direct feedback about properties for particular growth conditions. Tape manufacturer SuperPower Inc. was able to improve its conductor with this data quickly. Also, we gave a broad data set to magnet designers to improve their technology, which could one day lead to an abundant source of energy from nuclear fusion reactions.
Made with high-temperature superconductors, the National MagLab's newest instrument shatters a world record and opens new frontiers in science.
Combining tremendous strength with a high-quality field, the MagLab’s newest instrument promises big advances in interdisciplinary research.
The new 41.4-tesla instrument reclaims a title for the lab and paves the way for breakthroughs in physics and materials research.
The DOE effort foresees a slew of health, environmental and safety applications.
The National Science Foundation announces five-year funding grant for continued operation of the world’s most powerful magnet lab.
When fully installed, the new instrument will be one of the two most powerful magnets on the planet.
The visit marked the first time the Group of Senior Officials for Global Infrastructures has met in the United States.
"GAP" award will help further breakthrough treatment system for next-generation superconducting magnets.
A material already known for its unique behavior is found to carry current in a way never before observed.
With funding from the National Science Foundation, scientists and engineers will determine the best way to build a new class of record-breaking instruments.
35 highlights out of 423 reports representing the best of life sciences, chemistry, magnet science and technology, and condensed matter physics.
With a twist and a squeeze, researchers discover a new method to manipulate the electrical conductivity of this game-changing "wonder material."
In a hydrogen-packed compound squeezed to ultra-high pressures, scientists have observed electrical current with zero resistance tantalizingly close to room temperature.
The compact coil could lead to a new generation of magnets for biomedical research, nuclear fusion reactors and many applications in between.
In a uranium-based compound once dismissed as boring, scientists watched superconductivity arise, perish, then return to life under the influence of high magnetic fields.
The successful test of concept shows that the novel design, using a high-temperature superconductor, could help power tomorrow's particle accelerators, fusion machines and research magnets.
Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will further research that will help make the next generation of high-energy particle accelerators.
Made with high-temperature superconductors, the National MagLab's newest instrument offers researchers strength and stability to explore quantum materials.
New research to understand how processing impacts bismuth-based superconducting wires could help power future magnets or particle accelerators.
The experiment is the first to use the new duplex magnet at the National MagLab's Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos.
The world's next most powerful superconducting magnet will be designed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
World's strongest superconducting magnet celebrated as a top 100 revolutionary technology.
Game-changing technology may hold the key to ever-stronger magnets needed by scientists.
No insulation? No problem! In fact, by challenging the conventions of magnet making, MagLab engineers created a first-of-its-kind magnet that has only just begun to make records.
A unique magnet developed by the MagLab and Germany's Helmholtz Centre Berlin has reached a new world record for a neutron scattering magnet.
The MagLab and the Bruker Corporation have installed the world’s first 21 tesla magnet for Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometry.
A new x-ray instrument will become the strongest of its kind thanks to the power of the MagLab’s flagship split helix magnet.
Improving technology for research of biomolecules and advancing our understanding of health and disease.
The new superconducting material, called potassium tantalate, is capable of withstanding substantial magnetic fields.
A team of MagLab scientists has been working on the superconducting wires for new electromagnets that will improve physics research at the Large Hadron Collider.
MagLab NMR Facility Director Rob Schurko was awarded the Vold Prize for his contributions to the field of solid-state NMR over the past 25 years.
Dr. Amm to oversee world's largest and highest-powered magnet lab.
MagLab engineers will develop a new superconducting magnet for high-field nuclear magnetic resonance research.
Building the world's best resistive magnets requires clever engineering, top-notch science, superior materials and an obsession with quality control.
Two scientists put their heads together and created a machine that speeds along magnet production.
What are the ten coolest (and most surprising) things about the world's strongest MRI magnet?
What is homogeneity and why is it so important to scientists? Learn how homogeneous magnets make data clearer by milking the magnetic field strength for all it's worth.
How do you measure the bite force of a prehistoric megabeast? At the National MagLab.
Looking for ways to make better superconductors for the next-generation particle accelerators, a young scientist homed in on how they were heat-treated. He was getting warmer.
MagLab experts fine-tuned a furnace for pressure-cooking a novel superconducting magnet. Now they're about to build its big brother.
Two MagLab teams tried marrying vastly different technologies to build a new type of magnet: the Series Connected Hybrid. Decades later, has the oddball pairing panned out?
If engineers build stronger magnets, scientists promise they will come … and that discoveries will follow.
Several materials are in the running to build the next generation of superconducting magnets. Which will emerge the victor?
Researchers put little permanent magnets into large electromagnets to find out how to make them better.
The world's largest particle collider is getting even larger, and magnet labs are helping lay the foundation.
This frequent MagLab visitor talks about the allure of sci-fi, the road not taken as an engineer, and how he acts like a scientist, even when he’s off the clock.
One of the best tools for testing new materials for the next generation of research magnets is a MagLab magnet.
Two researchers play with nanostructures in a fun, fertile physics playground: the space between two things.
Hired in 2015 as chief scientist, this eminent physicist brings a dynamic array of talents to the MagLab.
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- Biology
- Biochemistry
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- Cryogenics
- Dynamic nuclear polarization
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- Health research
- Life research
- Magnet technology
- Mass spectrometry
- Materials research
- NMR and MRI
- Physics
- Postdocs and grad students
- Quantum computing
- Science & Art
- Semiconductors
- STEM education
- Superconductivity
- Universe
- 100-tesla multi-shot magnet
- 32-tesla superconducting magnet
- 45-tesla hybrid magnet
- 900MHz magnet
- 36-tesla SCH
- 25-tesla split magnet
- 41-tesla resistive magnet
- 21-tesla ICR magnet
- 600 MHz 89 mm MAS DNP System