Tag: STEM education
A MagLab physicist and engineer pair up to demonstrate the lab's famous Quarter Shrinking Machine, a loud, stinky illustration of electrodynamics, circuits, Lenz’s Law and Lorenz forces.
Explore our site to hunt and gather the answers to these electricity & magnetism questions.
Ready to use some math skills in a fun game that tests your understanding of probabilities? You’ll need lots of logic and a little luck to win the game. Play against yourself or find a friend to challenge.
Learn how chance can determine traits by rolling the dice and building a dog with its own unique look.
Learn how conditions and creatures change as you dive deep into the ocean in this interactive educational game.
From idea to published paper, every experiment follows a similar path of inquiry.
Cocktails with the founder of modern physics, a frolic with the father of microbiology, and other ideas for quality time with bygone science celebs.
In the first year of this new decade, we asked researchers about their most memorable first-time experiences as scientists. Here’s what they had to say.
Magnetic fields are invisibile, but with this activity you can – abracadabra – make the field lines appear!
Compasses are actually very simple. If you ever forget which way is north, follow these steps to make one yourself.
What do you get when you mix a battery, a bit of copper wire and a nail? One of the most important forces in science. Try it yourself and let the force be with you!
When you take a strip of paper, give it half a twist, and join the ends, you have created a Möbius strip.
Kaleidoscopes usually contain mirrors and pieces of colored glass or paper to produce changing patterns visible through an eyehole when the tube is rotated. Our Kaleidoscope is made from a cardboard tube, cardstock, a transparent sheet, a coffee filter, pipe cleaners, and your imagination and creativity.
Create your own colorful micro-organism and appreciate the role bacteria play in our world.
Wrap your head around the planets in our solar system. Then wrap them around your head!
We developed a new fabrication method using superconducting materials inside a box, making it more efficient than current designs. This helps create powerful electron and ion beams at lower costs, which can be used for tasks like breaking down harmful chemicals, sterilizing medical equipment, detecting dangerous materials, and producing medical isotopes.
Ten Florida teachers worked side by side with MagLab researchers during the summer of 2018.
Area teachers learn how to explain magnet research conducted nearby to their students.
Evaluation of the middle school mentorship program shows that students who participated in this 12 week program have increased confidence and interest in STEM.
When COVID-19 eliminated the option for in-person camp experiences, the MagLab pivoted to offer a free virtual Summer Exploration Series instead.
This new MagLab program pairs Florida A&M University undergraduate students with MagLab STEM mentors for a rotational internship experience that expands participant's knowledge of physics, materials research, chemistry, biology, and engineering career paths at the MagLab and beyond.
MagLab K-12 educator Carlos R. Villa is awarded Gold Medal from Tallahassee Scientific Society.
A MagLab educational researcher was presented The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2023 Research Worth Reading award. This recognition is given to three papers published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST) in the past year that are deemed to have the most significant implications for science educators and practitioners, maintaining CIRL's goal of not only using best practices in science education, but informing the field as well.
The MagLab Mentoring Director was invited to serve as a facilitator for the 2023 Aspire Summer Institute, a workshop that trains faculty and leaders from STEM departments and professional societies across the US.
The MagLab participated in North Florida's first "Worlds of Work" Career Expo event to expose high school students to the many high-demand, high-wage career opportunities that exist in the North Florida region.
One young woman’s story demonstrates how MagLab STEM education programs provide research and career opportunities.
Veteran educator recognized for inspiring kids about science outside the classroom.
Scientists and science communicators team up in playful bout that engages physics fans worldwide.
The National Science Foundation announces five-year funding grant for continued operation of the world’s most powerful magnet lab.
Lab to serve up heaping portions of science at food-themed Open House on Feb. 23.
A young computer programmer was surprised by not one, but two awards for building systems crucial to running the lab's magnets.
MagLab Chief Scientist Laura Greene recognized by the Tallahassee Scientific Society for her exemplary career achievements in science and contributions to science education and outreach.
On Feb. 22, the lab opens its doors once again, inviting science lovers of all ages to do hands-on activities related to space, time and all things fun and nerdy.
The science fun moves online with live virtual sessions, video demos, all-access virtual tours and online games.
Carlos R. Villa who is usually surrounded by K-12 students now joins a list of prestigious honorees recognized by the Tallahassee Scientific Society for his contributions to science education
The award recognizes those who've had an "outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics."
The award from the National Eagle Scout Association recognizes Eagle Scouts for professional accomplishments and volunteering.
Roxanne Hughes, Director of the MagLab’s Center for Integrating Research and Learning, named a AAAS Fellow.
Kathleen Amm will coach and guide promising young leaders from the Department of Energy’s 17 National Labs.
Anyone can have a career in science. Here are some tips and MagLab programs that will help you hone science skills for students of every age and stage.
Students take field trips designed to inspire girls to pursue careers in science.
These teachers went from their classroom to the lab to spend their summer break learning science skills.
Teenagers spent Fridays at the MagLab this fall working on a research project.
Postdocs face big challenges as they learn the ropes of real-life science. The MagLab and other institutions are doing more to help them make the most of these years of intensive training.
When a Florida teacher had the chance to spend a second summer doing research at the MagLab, he didn’t have to think twice.
Undergrad streamlines maintenance routine with touch-screen technology
The culmination of years of hard work, the dissertation defense is as much an ordeal as it is a ritual.
Young scientists learning the ropes find they get by better with a little help from their fellow students, postdocs and colleagues.
High school intern Kyle Buchholz uses his time at the MagLab to learn science hands-first, rather than head-first.
Paul Rigel, a Florida middle school teacher, talks about his six weeks working at the MagLab's microanalysis lab.
Gerardo A. Nazario, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) intern, talks about his eight weeks working at the MagLab and at the MagLab's Applied Superconductivity Center.
Petroleum engineer Alicia Calero, a former participant in the lab's Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, talks about two MagLab scientists who played a key role in her training.
Researchers talk about their favorite mentors and how they made a difference.
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- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Cryogenics
- Dynamic nuclear polarization
- Energy research
- Engineering
- Environment
- Geochemistry
- Health research
- Life research
- Magnet technology
- Mass spectrometry
- Materials research
- NMR and MRI
- Physics
- Postdocs and grad students
- Quantum computing
- Science & Art
- Semiconductors
- STEM education
- Superconductivity
- Universe
- 100-tesla multi-shot magnet
- 32-tesla superconducting magnet
- 45-tesla hybrid magnet
- 900MHz magnet
- 36-tesla SCH
- 25-tesla split magnet
- 41-tesla resistive magnet
- 21-tesla ICR magnet
- 600 MHz 89 mm MAS DNP System