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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Science Highlights

These monthly highlights represent the most promising and cutting-edge research underway in the lab’s seven user facilities.

Schematic representation of the phosphonoglycans that decorate the slime proteins

December 15, 2023

Inside Velvet Worm Slime: Rare Protein Modification for Fast Fiber Formation

A protein modification rarely found in terrestrial animals was discovered in the slime of the velvet worm. This slime, which is projected for prey cap…

Fully assembled Dual Rig for Pancake Module Testing and Cross section of a double layer pancake module

December 15, 2023

Quality Assurance Testing for High Temperature Superconducting Modules

A test protocol has been developed and successfully demonstrated the ability to evaluate the performance of a large percentage of tape in a REBCO-woun…

a. Schematic illustration of a 1T′-WS2 device and the rotation experiment setup. b. Magnetic field dependence of the normalized resistance of the 1T′-WS2 device at T = 0.33 K with different in-plane rotation angles φ. c. The φ-dependence of the upper critical field. The green dashed line indicates the Pauli limit.

November 16, 2023

Ultrahigh Supercurrent Density in a Two-Dimensional Topological Material

Research on a tungsten disulfide material (1T’-WS2) reveals a superconducting state that is able to carry an incredibly large amount of current within…

Representative DBP molecular formula identifications for a molecule that contains (a) one chlorine atoms. Confident assignment requires the ultrahigh mass resolving power and mass accuracy provided by 21T FT-ICR MS.

November 16, 2023

Scouring Drinking Water for Disinfection Byproducts

Identification of toxic compounds in drinking water formed through disinfection reveals more than 3500 toxic, chlorinated species that can only be obs…

Effectiveness factor of nanoporous gold catalysts exhibiting different shapes and characteristic lengths (L).

October 18, 2023

CO Oxidation and Mass Transport in Nanoporous Gold using Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

For the first time, NMR diffusion measurements have been successfully used in a metallic catalyst, examining gas exchange rates in nanoporous gold. Th…

Physical properties of the the spin liquid compound with spins on a honeycomb lattice, Na2Co2TeO6

October 18, 2023

Potential Spin Liquid System Explored with Pulsed Magnetic Fields

Scientists investigated a magnetic compound, identifying a possible spin liquid phase in a quantum material that may be a candidate for robust quantum…

Left: Magnetic torque vs magnetic field, Right: A 0.4mm long sample mounted on a piezoresistive torque magnetometer.

September 11, 2023

Nontrivial topology in a Kagome superconductor

Kagome is the name given to the traditional Japanese star-like pattern to form baskets. The same geometric pattern can be found in the crystal structu…

17O is now added to the NMR toolkit, along with 1H, 13C and 15N, to characterize biomolecules like peptides, proteins, and enzymes.

September 11, 2023

Integration of 17O into the Biomolecular Toolkit

Combining high magnetic fields, specialized probes, and measurement techniques, this work adds the crucial 17O nucleus into the study of biomolecules …

Overview of the accessibility needs for scientific research in a large-scale user facility like the MagLab.

September 11, 2023

Cybersecurity in a Large-Scale Research Facility: The MagLab’s Approach

A specialized cybersecurity approach was developed to meet the needs of a user research facility.


August 11, 2023

Terahertz EPR Spectroscopy in the High-Homogeneity 36T Series-Connected Hybrid Magnet

New instrumentation allows electron magnetic resonance experiments to be performed in the lab’s flagship 36 T Series-Connected Hybrid magnet, unlockin…

A cross-section of the Teo test coil made from Bi-2212 round wire.

August 11, 2023

Bi-2212 High-Temperature Superconducting Test Coils up to 34T

High magnetic fields are essential for many exciting scientific and industrial applications including next-generation MRI, particle accelerators, fusi…


August 11, 2023

MagLab at the 2023 Aspire Summer Institute

The MagLab Mentoring Director was invited to serve as a facilitator for the 2023 Aspire Summer Institute, a workshop that trains faculty and leaders f…

Atomic structure of SrCu2(BO3)2

July 14, 2023

Magnetoelastic interactions in the spin-dimer compound SrCu2(BO3)2

Studying a famous Spin-dimer compound, researchers made the first dynamic measurements via Raman spectroscopy up to 45T that provide a direct correlat…

(A) Broadband 21 T FT-ICR mass spectrum of Suwanee River Fulvic Acid, a Natural Organic Matter reference standard.  (B) Mass-scale zoom inset that highlights the need for resolving power sufficient to separate species

July 14, 2023

Highest-Magnetic-Field Ion Cyclotron Resonance Reveals Hidden Complexity of Natural Organic Matter

The 21 T FT-ICR mass spectrometer identified four times the number of species in natural organic matter than lower magnetic field systems, providing a…


June 14, 2023

Tuning Topological Properties of TaSe3 Using Strain

The electrical resistance of ring-shaped TaSe3 devices was measured in magnetic fields of up to 60 T and at temperatures down to 0.6 K. High-field exp…

A variety of factors such as sex, strain, anesthesia, magnetic field strength, and breathing rate can affect the results of an fMRI scan. Image reprinted from original citation

June 14, 2023

AMRIS FAIR Data: Standardizing Rat Brain Imaging Datasets

Datasets of rat brain imaging can be difficult to compare due to the different conditions used to collect them. The Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imagin…

Receptor proteins respond differently to drugs depending on the environment in which they are studied.

May 24, 2023

Different Protein Receptor Responses Resulting from Different Membrane Environments

Special protein-coupled receptors play a role in nearly all physiological responses and are targets for more than 1/3 of all FDA-approved drugs. State…

An atomic-resolution, high-angle annular dark-field image of an aged sample showing uniformly distributed Cr precipitates (dark contrast in main image.

May 24, 2023

High strength Copper-Chromium-Zirconium conductors for pulsed magnets

MagLab researchers developed a way to make a Copper-Chromium-Zirconium conductor for pulsed magnets that has tiny particles evenly distributed through…

MagLab SciGirls group photo with MagLab educator, Carlos Villa (back row on the right).

May 24, 2023

"Research Worth Reading" National Award

A MagLab educational researcher was presented The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2023 Research Worth Reading award. Thi…

Experimental setup using the 25T Split-Helix magnet and the multidimensional optical nonlinear spectrometer (MONSTR).

April 24, 2023

Magnetic Field Driven Coherent Coupling of Bright and Dark Excitons

Probing one of the prominent classes of atomically-thin materials, the transition metal dichalcogenides, researchers found that while dark excitons ar…

Dimer formation of α-D-glucose molecules in the crystal lattice of  D-glucose/NaCl (1:1) co-crystal.

April 24, 2023

Solid-State 17O NMR for Studies of Organic and Biological Molecules

Chemists are rarely able to use oxygen NMR to determine molecular structures, since 17O is an extremely challenging nucleus to observe. This work prov…

The illustration shows a cross section of a hexagonal nanochannel.

March 13, 2023

Luttinger Liquid Behavior of 3He Atoms

Using the NMR techniques and ultra-low temperature facilities at the MagLab, atoms of a pure isotope of helium showed experimental signs of the Luttin…

(a) A cross section view of a Bi-2212 superconducting round wire (b) a closeup of some of the bundles from the same cross section.

March 13, 2023

Twisted Multifilament Round Wires for Reduction of Magnetization Losses

New work on round wires made with Bi-2212, a superconducting material, feature efficiency and performance that could enable the next generation of pow…

X-ray crystal structure of normal (KRAS4B)

February 17, 2023

Mapping the KRAS Proteoform in Colorectal Cancer

Researchers used the MagLab to produce the first clarified map of KRAS proteins in colon cancer tumors. Twenty-eight additional forms of the KRAS prot…


February 17, 2023

Ultrafast THz Spectroscopy in Pulsed Magnetic Fields

Using pulses of far-infrared light and large magnetic fields, we directly measured the cyclotron resonance of charge carriers in a high-temperature su…

Calorimetrically determined magnetic phase diagram for Ba3CoSb2O9 for in-plane magnetic field (H ∥ a).

January 23, 2023

Quantum Fluctuations Induce Stable Magnetic Arrangements in Layered Materials

Using high magnetic fields and low temperatures, scientists were able to observe a complex set of quantum fluctuations in a Barium, Cobalt, Antimony a…

Left: Magnetic field-swept pulsed electron echo-detected (ED) spectrum of a reactive, short-lived state of Mn/Fe R2lox after binding oxygen. Right: Detailed structure of the “R2lox” metalloprotein

January 23, 2023

Tuberculosis Metalloproteins Probed With High-Field Electron Magnetic Resonance

High-magnetic-field time-resolved electron magnetic resonance was used to probe the unusual manganese/iron complex that is believed to play a role in …

Last modified on 06 August 2024