The Science Council was an integral part of the shaping of the lab's 2006, 2011 and 2016 renewal proposals to the National Science Foundation and plays a critical role in the development of the science drivers for renewal proposals and has been actively involved in developing the 2023-2027 renewal proposal.
Council Members
- Kathleen Amm, MagLab Director
- Lissa Anderson, Research Faculty II, ICR
- Fedor Balakirev, Staff Member, PFF
- Luis Balicas, Research Faculty III, DCF, CMS
- Ali Bangura, Research Faculty II, DCF, CMS
- Mark Bird, Research Faculty III, Chief of Technology Officer
- David Butcher, Research Faculty I, ICR
- Martha Chacon, Research Faculty I, ICR
- Hitesh J. Changlani, Assistant Professor, CMS Theory
- Mun Chan, Staff Member, PFF
- Huan Chen, Research Faculty II, ICR
- Lance Cooley, Professor, Director, ASC
- Scott Crooker, Staff Member, PFF
- Iain Dixon, Research Faculty III, MS&T
- Vlad Dobrosavljevic, Professor of Physics, CMS Theory
- Gail Fanucci, Professor, AMRIS
- Lucio Frydman, Chief Scientist for Chemistry & Biology
- Zhehong Gan, Research Faculty III, NMR
- Laura Greene, Chief Scientist, MagLab (chair)
- James Hamlin, Associate Professor of Physics, U
- Neil Harrison, Staff Member, PFF
- Jan Jaroszynski, Research Faculty III, DCF, CMS
- Kristina (Kicki) Hakansson, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, ICR Director
- Chris Hendrickson, Research Faculty III, ICR
- Stephen Hill, Professor, Director, EMR
- Peter Hirschfeld, Professor of Physics, UF Physics
- Roxanne Hughes, Director CIRL
- Tak Kametani , Assistant Professor, ASC
- David Larbalestier, Chief Materials Scientist, (ex officio)
- Minseong Lee, Staff Member, PFF
- Cyprian Lewandowski, Assistant Professor, CMS Theory
- Joanna Long, Professor, Director, AMRIS (ex officio)
- Boris Maiorov, LANL, PFF
- Ross McDonald, Deputy Director, PFF
- Stephen McGill , Research Faculty III, DCF, CMS
- Amy McKenna, Research Faculty II, ICR
- Mark Meisel, Professor of Physics, UF Physics, Director, HBT
- Frederic Mentink-Vigier, Research Faculty I, NMR
- Chris Mizzi, Staff Member, PFF
- Eric Palm, Deputy Lab Director
- Tom Painter, Interim Director, MS&T
- Dragana Popovic, Research Faculty III, DCF, CMS
- Ayyalusamy (Rams) Ramamoorthy, Professor CBE and NMR
- Kristin Roberts, Director of Public Affairs
- Ryan Rodgers, Research Faculty III, Director of Petroleum Applications, ICR
- Robert Schurko, Professor, NMR
- Theo Siegrist, Professor, CMS
- John Singleton, Staff Member, PFF
- Dmitry Smirnov, Research Faculty III, DCF
- Stanley Tozer, Research Faculty III, DCF
- Ulf Trociewitz, Research Faculty III, ASC
- Hans Van Tol, Research Faculty III, EMR, CMS
- Oskar Vafek, Professor of Physics, Director, CMS Theory
- Glenn Walter, Professor, UF Physiology & Functional Genomics, AMRIS
- Kaya Wei, Research Faculty I, DCF, CMS
- Laurel Winter, Deputy Director, PFF
- Kun Yang, Professor of Physics, CMS Theory
- Vivien Zapf, Staff Member, PFF