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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Vivien Zapf

Contact Information

Staff Member

LANL, Pulsed Field Facility

Vivien  Zapf


Phone: (505) 665-9039

Address: LANL MS-E536 P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos NM 87545-



Educational Background

Director's-funded post-doc, Los Alamos National Lab 2004-2006
Post-doctoral fellow, California Institute of Technology 2003-2004
Ph.D. in Physics, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, 2003
Advisor: Prof. Brian Maple, Experimental Condensed Matter Science
M.S. in Physics, University of California at San Diego, 2000
B.S. in Physics with Computer Science, summa cum laude, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, 1997

Research Interests

Multiferroics and magnetoelectrics
Quantum Magnetism
Quantum Information

(Below publication list is not complete!)

Professional Experience

Scientist, NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility, Los Alamos National Lab
Deputy Director, Quantum Science Center
Associated Editor, Reviews of Modern Physics
Thrust leader, "Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials" Energy Frontier Research Center
Science team leader, NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility, Los Alamos National Lab (previous)

Awards, Honors, and Service

White House meeting on “National Quantum Initiative” (2022)
American Physical Society Outstanding Referee (2019)
American Physical Society, Publication committee (2019-2022)
Chair line, American Physical Society Division of Material Physics (2019-2023)
Fellow of the American Physical Society (2018)
LANL summer school for high school girls (2018-2022)
Chair for condensed-matter science council of the NHMFL (2015-2017)
Distinguished Performance Award, Los Alamos National Lab (2012)
2010 Lee-Osheroff-Richardson Prize (2010)
NHMFL Diversity council (2007-2012)
Director's Funded Post-doctoral Fellowship, LANL (2004)
New Mexico Expand Your Horizons for middle school girls, elementary school public outreach (2004-2018)
Millikan Post-doctoral Prize Fellowship, Caltech (2003)
