From 2001 to 2011, research conducted in the hybrid by MagLab users shed new light on some of condensed matter physics' most puzzling phenomena, including high-temperature superconductivity, the quantum Hall effect, Bose-Einstein condensation, and much more. The journals Nature, Nature Physics, Physics Review Letters, Science, and PNAS published 47 submissions on 45 T-powered research in that time period alone.
Below are the most recent publications associated with this magnet. View the entire list.
Diankov, G.; Liang, C.-T.; Amet, F.; Gallagher, P.; Lee, M.; Bestwick, A. J.; Tharratt, K. ; Coniglio, W.; Jaroszynski, J.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Goldhaber-Gordon, D., Robust fractional quantum Hall effect in the N= 2 Landau level in bilayer graphene, Nature Communications 7, Article number: 13908 (2016), doi:10.1038/ncomms13908
Magnetic torque anomaly in the quantum limit of Weyl semimetals Moll, P.J.W.; Potter, A. C.; Nair, N. , BJ Ramshaw, Modic, K. A.; Riggs, S.; Zeng, Bin; Ghimire, N. J.; Bauer, E. D.; Kealhofer, R.; Ronning, F.; Analytis, J, G., Magnetic torque anomaly in the quantum limit of Weyl semimetals, Nature Communications 7, Article number: 12492 (2016), doi:10.1038/ncomms12492
Doiron-Leyraud, N.; Badoux, S.; René de Cotret, S.; Lepault, S.; LeBoeuf, D.; Laliberté, F.; Hassinger, E.; Ramshaw, B. J.; Bonn, D. A.; Hardy, W. N.; Liang, R.; Park, J.-H.; Vignolles, D.; Vignolle, B.; Taillefer, L.; Proust, C., Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6034 doi:10.1038/ncomms7034
Amet, F.; Bestwick, A.J.; Williams, J.R.; Balicas, L.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Goldhaber-Gordon, D., Composite fermions and broken symmetries in graphene, Nature Communications 6, 5838 (2015)
Jiaoa, L.; Chena, Y.; Kohamab, Y.; Graf, D.; Bauerb, E. D.; Singletonb, J.; Zhub, J.-X.; Wenga, Z.; Panga, G.; Shanga, T.; Zhanga, J.; , Leea, H.-O.; Parkd, T.; Jaimeb, M.; Thompsonb, J. D.; Steglicha,e, F.; Sif, Q.; ;H. Yuana,g, Q.,Fermi surface reconstruction and multiple quantum phase transitions in the antiferromagnet CeRhIn5, PNAS, January 20, 2015 , vol. 112, no. 3, 673–678
Tan, B. S.; Hsu, Y.-T.; Zeng, B.; Hatnean, M. C.; Harrison, N.; Zhu, Z.; Hartstein, M.; Kiourlappou, M.; Srivastava, A.; Johannes, M. D.; Murphy, T. P.; Park, J.-H.; Balicas, L. ; Lonzarich, G. G.; Balakrishnan, G.; Sebastian S. E., Unconventional Fermi surface in an insulating state, Science 17 Jul 2015, Vol. 349, Issue 6245, pp. 287-290, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa7974
Moll, P. J. W.; Zeng, B.; Balicas, L.; Galeski, S.; Balakirev, F. F.; Bauer, E. D.; Ronning, F., Field-induced density wave in the heavy-fermion compound CeRhIn5, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6663 (2015), doi:10.1038/ncomms7663
Doiron-Leyraud, N.; Badoux, S.; René de Cotret, S.; Lepault, S. ,; LeBoeuf, D.; Laliberté, F.; Hassinger, E.; Ramshaw, B. J.; Bonn, D. A.; Hardy, W. N.; Liang, R.; Park, J.-H.; Vignolles, D.; Vignolle, B.; Taillefer, L.; Proust, C., Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6034 (2015), doi:10.1038/ncomms7034
For more information, please contact Ali Bangura.
Last modified on 17 March 2025