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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

45 Tesla, 32 mm Bore Hybrid Magnet (Cell 15)

45 Tesla, 32 mm Bore Hybrid Magnet

The lab’s flagship magnet, the 45 tesla hybrid is composed of a 33.5 tesla resistive magnet nested in an 11.5 tesla outsert.

From 2001 to 2011, research conducted in the hybrid by MagLab users shed new light on some of condensed matter physics' most puzzling phenomena, including high-temperature superconductivity, the quantum Hall effect, Bose-Einstein condensation, and much more. The journals Nature, Nature Physics, Physics Review Letters, Science, and PNAS published 47 submissions on 45 T-powered research in that time period alone.


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Credit: National MagLab

Related Publications

Below are the most recent publications associated with this magnet. View the entire list.


Diankov, G.; Liang, C.-T.; Amet, F.; Gallagher, P.; Lee, M.; Bestwick, A. J.; Tharratt, K. ; Coniglio, W.; Jaroszynski, J.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Goldhaber-Gordon, D., Robust fractional quantum Hall effect in the N= 2 Landau level in bilayer graphene, Nature Communications 7, Article number: 13908 (2016), doi:10.1038/ncomms13908

Magnetic torque anomaly in the quantum limit of Weyl semimetals Moll, P.J.W.; Potter, A. C.; Nair, N. , BJ Ramshaw, Modic, K. A.; Riggs, S.; Zeng, Bin; Ghimire, N. J.; Bauer, E. D.; Kealhofer, R.; Ronning, F.; Analytis, J, G., Magnetic torque anomaly in the quantum limit of Weyl semimetals, Nature Communications 7, Article number: 12492 (2016), doi:10.1038/ncomms12492


Doiron-Leyraud, N.; Badoux, S.; René de Cotret, S.; Lepault, S.; LeBoeuf, D.; Laliberté, F.; Hassinger, E.; Ramshaw, B. J.; Bonn, D. A.; Hardy, W. N.; Liang, R.; Park, J.-H.; Vignolles, D.; Vignolle, B.; Taillefer, L.; Proust, C., Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6034 doi:10.1038/ncomms7034

Amet, F.; Bestwick, A.J.; Williams, J.R.; Balicas, L.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Goldhaber-Gordon, D., Composite fermions and broken symmetries in graphene, Nature Communications 6, 5838 (2015)

Jiaoa, L.; Chena, Y.; Kohamab, Y.; Graf, D.; Bauerb, E. D.; Singletonb, J.; Zhub, J.-X.; Wenga, Z.; Panga, G.; Shanga, T.; Zhanga, J.; , Leea, H.-O.; Parkd, T.; Jaimeb, M.; Thompsonb, J. D.; Steglicha,e, F.; Sif, Q.; ;H. Yuana,g, Q.,Fermi surface reconstruction and multiple quantum phase transitions in the antiferromagnet CeRhIn5, PNAS, January 20, 2015 , vol. 112, no. 3, 673–678

Tan, B. S.; Hsu, Y.-T.; Zeng, B.; Hatnean, M. C.; Harrison, N.; Zhu, Z.; Hartstein, M.; Kiourlappou, M.; Srivastava, A.; Johannes, M. D.; Murphy, T. P.; Park, J.-H.; Balicas, L. ; Lonzarich, G. G.; Balakrishnan, G.; Sebastian S. E., Unconventional Fermi surface in an insulating state, Science 17 Jul 2015, Vol. 349, Issue 6245, pp. 287-290, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa7974

Moll, P. J. W.; Zeng, B.; Balicas, L.; Galeski, S.; Balakirev, F. F.; Bauer, E. D.; Ronning, F., Field-induced density wave in the heavy-fermion compound CeRhIn5, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6663 (2015), doi:10.1038/ncomms7663

Doiron-Leyraud, N.; Badoux, S.; René de Cotret, S.; Lepault, S. ,; LeBoeuf, D.; Laliberté, F.; Hassinger, E.; Ramshaw, B. J.; Bonn, D. A.; Hardy, W. N.; Liang, R.; Park, J.-H.; Vignolles, D.; Vignolle, B.; Taillefer, L.; Proust, C., Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6034 (2015), doi:10.1038/ncomms7034

Staff Contact

For more information, please contact Ali Bangura.

Last modified on 17 March 2025

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