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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

User FAQs

Find answers to common questions about applying for magnet time, preparing for experiments and other practical information for MagLab users.

How much does it cost to use the MagLab?

Using the MagLab is FREE of charge for scientists from across disciplines who want to advance society’s understanding. Thanks to the lab’s core funding by the National Science Foundation (DMR), all qualified users who agree and follow our terms and conditions get their magnet time at no cost. Users doing proprietary research have to pay for using magnets. For more details about the process and fees, please contact the applicable facility director.

See the below table for applicable grant numbers.

Funding Source Funding Years Grant Number
NSF/DMR 2023-2027 DMR-2128556
NSF/DMR 2018-2022 DMR-1644779
NSF/DMR 2012-2017 DMR-1157490

Here are a few example acknowledgements you may use:

“A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-2128556* and the State of Florida.”


“The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory is supported by National Science Foundation through NSF/DMR-2128556* and the State of Florida.”

NSF support must also be orally acknowledged during all news media interviews, including popular media such as radio, television and news magazines.

MagLab NSF/DMR grant number

* For data collected from 2018-2022, the grant number is DMR-1644779. For data collected in from 2023-2027, the grant number is DMR-2128556. Please include both grant numbers if your data were collected during both time periods.

Pulsed Field Facility

If you used the MagLab’s Pulsed Field Facility, please include “and the U.S. Department of Energy” to the above acknowledgements.

ICR Facility

If you used our ICR Facility, the acknowledgement should read "A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Materials Research and Division of Chemistry through DMR-2128556 and the State of Florida."

None-MagLab users accessing data sets through open-access repositories (more information at Center for FAIR Open Science - Resources page.)

The MagLab has data management plans as part of its proposal to the NSF. These plans guide the archiving and access to user collected data. The data management plans are bringing the MagLab into conformance with the FAIR data management principles as required by the funding agencies. Below is the data management plans specific to each facility.

We encourage the archiving of data through the Open Science Framework as a data management and collaboration tool.

You can submit a proposal or experiment anytime! The DC Field and Pulsed Field Facilities, however, only schedule magnet time three times per year. Please check Magnet Schedule - DC Field and please check Magnet Schedule - Pulsed Field page to find out when their next applications for magnet time are due.

Proposals are broad descriptions of your experimental topic or interest and last for three years. Experiments are more specific and describe in detail what you want to do with the lab’s equipment and instrumentation. One proposal can have many different experiments. A new experiment request should be submitted online for each visit.

A Principal Investigator (PI) is defined as the individual who will be responsible for the scientific or technical direction of the project. Users from outside the MagLab and its host institutions are especially encouraged to serve as PIs.

Students and postdocs may not serve as the principal investigator. Although any team member can write and submit a proposal, the lead professor(s) or advisor(s) should be listed as the PI of the proposal

No minimum or maximum number of collaborators is required. Each submitter should identify team members demonstrating the expertise needed for their project.

Absolutely! The MagLab strongly encourages collaborations with its staff scientists and affiliated faculty to craft proposals.

Any approved and active user proposal can submit an experiment to any of the lab’s seven user facilities.

Key Contacts

Advanced MRI and Spectroscopy

Director: Joanna Long
Help with requests: Huadong Zeng
Location: Gainesville, FL

DC Field

Directors: Ali Bangura, Julia Smith
Help with requests: Ali Bangura, Julia Smith
Primary contact for science highlights: Ali Bangura
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Electron Magnetic Resonance

Director: Stephen Hill
Help with requests: Jurek Krzystek, Andrew Ozarowski
Location: Tallahassee, FL

High B/T

Director: Mark W Meisel
Help with requests: Mark W Meisel
Location: Gainesville, FL

Ion Cyclotron Resonance

Director: Kristina Håkansson
Help with requests: Amy McKenna
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Director: Robert Schurko
Help with requests: Riqiang Fu, Zhehong Gan, Ashley Blue
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Pulsed Field

Director: Ross McDonald
Help with requests: Laurel Winter
Location: Los Alamos, NM

General questions

Anke Toth, User Program Chief of Staff

Technical problems

System Support.

Last modified on 18 March 2025