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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Experiment Support

As a user, you’ll have access to experienced support staff who can help take your research to new heights. Experts in experiment support, cryogenics, electronics, instrumentation, safety, machining/welding, and technical support can aid your work. We also offer financial support for first-time travel expenses or to cover short-term dependent care costs.

Control Room

This group consists of highly-trained, specialized personnel who operate the MagLab's suite of resistive and hybrid magnet systems and the according large-scale infrastructure. Information from thousands of sensors and measurement devices across the facility is collected by a distributed control system and centralized in the Control Room. Here, Control Room operators use this information to manipulate the MW power system and water-cooling plant in support of user magnet operations. Read more about the Control Room's work in Team Tesla.

For more information contact the control room Julia H. Smith or (850)-544-4416.

Cryogenics Operations

This group manages, operates and maintains the MagLab's cryogenics plant. The cryogenics plant processes helium for magnet operations, which involves the purification, compression and liquefaction of helium gas. Two of the MagLab's flagship magnets, the 45 tesla hybrid magnet and the 36 tesla series connected hybrid, feature a closed-loop cryogenic system that directly connects them to the MagLab cryogenics plant to enable operations of their superconducting coils. The Cryogenics Group is responsible for the operation of these magnets. This group also processes and distributes liquid helium for superconducting magnets, cryostats and other experiments throughout the lab utilizing a fleet of several dozens of portable, rolling dewars. Importantly, the Cryogenics Operations group also manages the recovery of helium gas used throughout the lab to minimize the loss of this valuable resource. Cryogenics Operations runs 24/7.

For more information contact head of hybrid and cryogenic operations Zhiyi Jiang. For emergencies, contact safety department.

Data Acquisition & Analysis Software

In alignment with the MagLab's FAIR Data Initiative, data acquisition or analysis software used at the National MagLab is available free of charge to support users and independent investigators with data processing and/or visualization.

AMRIS Facility Software: MR Image Processing

EMR Facility Software: Spin Software

ICR Facility Software: ICR Software

NMR Facility Software: Sodium MRI Software

Pulsed Field Facility Software: Pulsed Field Software

Electronics Shop

The Electronics Shop staff comprises several electronics engineers whose primary responsibility is the large-scale electrical infrastructure dedicated to powering and protecting the DC Field User Facility's magnet systems. This equipment includes a suite of (semi-)custom electrical power equipment (transformers, thyristor-based rectifiers, capacitor banks, among others), analog and digital controls systems, in-house designed and built electronics for magnet protection systems, monitoring instrumentation, and electronics for custom experimental setups. The Electronics Shop also maintains and repairs these specialized systems.

For more information contact the Electronics Shop supervisor, Julia H. Smith or (850) 644-1496.

Instrumentation Shop

The Instrument Shop provides critical support to the DC Field Facility users experimenting in the resistive and hybrid magnet systems. This team of highly skilled and specialized technicians design, build and fix custom sample holders, probes, connector cables, vacuum fittings, rotators, instrumentation, among others. They also repair, test and maintain the lab's cryogenic user equipment. The Instrument Shop also functions like a very specialized general store for scientists. The NHMFL Instrument Shop staff makes sure users have the equipment, tools and technical support they need to successfully collect high quality experimental data during their magnet time.

For more information contact shop manager Scott Maier or (850) 644-0442.

Machine and Welding Shops

The Machine and Welding shops are staffed by engineers, instrument makers, machinists and welders. The machinists use sophisticated design and engineering software in combination with a wide array of machinery to create high-end, custom parts for magnets, instruments, probes and more. The machining suite of equipment includes manual machinery, CNC lathes, mills and a six-axis wire EDM.

For more information contact shop manager Edward Rubes or (850) 644-4975.

User Support Scientists

As a user, you’ll be assigned a user support scientist to help you make the most of your magnet time. These in-house scientists are experts in high magnetic field experiments and will help you prepare, set up and conduct your research within our specialized instruments. Please see below for more information about the user support scientists for your experiment.

Key Contacts

Advanced MRI and Spectroscopy

Director: Joanna Long
Help with requests: Huadong Zeng
Location: Gainesville, FL

DC Field

Director: Tim Murphy
Help with requests: Tim Murphy
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Electron Magnetic Resonance

Director: Stephen Hill
Help with requests: Jurek Krzystek, Andrew Ozarowski
Location: Tallahassee, FL

High B/T

Director: Mark W Meisel
Help with requests: Mark W Meisel
Location: Gainesville, FL

Ion Cyclotron Resonance

Director: Kristina Håkansson
Help with requests: Amy McKenna
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Director: Robert Schurko
Help with requests: Riqiang Fu, Zhehong Gan, Ashley Blue
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Pulsed Field

Director: Ross McDonald
Help with requests: Laurel Winter
Location: Los Alamos, NM

General questions

Anke Toth, User Program Chief of Staff

Technical problems

System Support.

Last modified on 16 January 2025