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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Magnet Science & Technology

MagLab Engineer performing maintenance

The MS&T Division is a world leader in building high-field magnet systems for scientific exploration.

The division builds systems for the MagLab and works with industry to develop the technology to improve high-field magnet manufacturing capabilities. The division's highly experienced engineers push the state of the art beyond what is currently available in high field magnet systems through research and development. The division also contracts with other institutions to design one-of-a-kind magnet systems; MagLab technology has been adopted by some 20 labs worldwide.

Over the last two decades the division has developed more than 20 magnet systems and has held numerous world records, including our 45 tesla hybrid magnet and our 900 MHz NMR magnet.

MS&T Numbers

20 Magnet systems

32 Patent & Products

2 World records

Florida State University Logo
Located at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL.

Featured Research

Science Highlights

Left: Coil buckling at -0.4% strain Right: Measured hoop strain showed negligible degradation over 20,000 cycles.

Testing High-Field, High-Stress Conditions in Superconducting REBCO Coils

Dixon, I.R.; Bosque, E.; Buchholz, K.; Walsh, R.P.; Bai, H., IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32 (6), 4 (2022)

Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.

Fully assembled Dual Rig for Pancake Module Testing and Cross section of a double layer pancake module

Quality Assurance Testing for High Temperature Superconducting Modules

Kolb-Bond, D.; Bird, M.D.; Dixon, I.R.; Painter, T.A.; Lu, J.; Kim, K.L.; Kim, K.; Walsh, R.P.; Grilli, F., Superconductor Science and Technology, 34, 095004 (2021)

Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.

An atomic-resolution, high-angle annular dark-field image of an aged sample showing uniformly distributed Cr precipitates (dark contrast in main image.

High strength Copper-Chromium-Zirconium conductors for pulsed magnets

Niu, R.; Toplosky, V.J.; Han, K., IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32 (6), 4300405 (2022)

Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

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Key Contacts

Thomas Painter

Interim MS&T Director

For strategic new initiatives.

Jun Lu

Components & Materials Testing

For using MS&T’s facilities to test magnet components or materials.

Iain R. Dixon

CICC Magnet Development

For discussing potential magnet projects involving Cable-In-Conduit Conductors.

Jack Toth

Resistive Magnet Development

For discussing potential resistive magnet projects.