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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

High-Temperature Superconducting Tape Suitable for Magnets at 50 Teslas and Beyond

Published June 27, 2018

Schematic cross-section of the multi-layer REBCO tape conductor in which the REBCO layer is less than 1% of the total thickness of the tape.
Schematic cross-section of the multi-layer REBCO tape conductor in which the REBCO layer is less than 1% of the total thickness of the tape.

Recent measurements of superconducting tapes in the MagLab's 45-tesla hybrid magnet shows that the power function dependence of current on magnetic field remains valid up to 45T in liquid helium, while for magnetic field in the plane of the tape conductor, almost no magnetic field dependence is observed. Thus design of ultra-high-field magnets capable of reaching 50T and higher is feasible using the latest high-critical current density REBCO tape.

What did researchers discover?

A collaboration between the MagLab and SuperPower, Inc. tested one of SuperPower's modern high-temperature superconducting tapes in the MagLab's world-record DC magnet, the 45T hybrid magnet. The researchers measured the ability of the tape to carry superconducting electrical current even in these high magnetic fields, finding the "critical current density," Jc, to be well over 1 million amps per square centimeter when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the tape, and over 7 million when the magnetic field is in the plane of the tape (the “parallel field” orientation).

Why is this important?

These critical current densities are exceptionally high and allow for the conceptual design of magnets that will reach 50T and beyond.

Who did the research?

D. Abraimov1, J. Jaroszynski1, Y. Zhang2, A. Francis1, A. Constantinescu1, Y. L. Viouchkov1, and D. C. Larbalestier1

1National MagLab, Florida State University; 2SuperPower Inc.

Why did this research need the MagLab?

The MagLab is the only lab that can provide 45T DC magnetic fields.

Details for scientists


This research was funded by the following grants: G.S. Boebinger (NSF DMR-1157490, NSF DMR-1644779)

For more information, contact Lance Cooley.

Tools They Used

This research was conducted in the 45-Tesla Hybrid Magnet at the DC Field Facility.

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