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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.


Mentorship is a way of life at the MagLab. Students, teachers and employees of all ages and stages learn from our scientists and educators every year through formal programs and informal teaching, furthering the lab's goal of nurturing the next generation of scientists.

The MagLab offers many mentorship-based programs within the MagLab's education department including a High School Externship, Research Experience for Undergraduates and Research Experience for Teachers.

In 2022, the MagLab also launched a Research Mentor Incubator program to give graduate students, postdocs and faculty resources and structure to grow professionally and learn how to mentor others. Built around a mentorship education curriculum developed by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) at University of Wisconsin-Madison, the incubator works to engage participants and develop both mentor and mentee skills around aligning expectations, assessing understanding, fostering independence, addressing equity and inclusion, and maintaining effective communication.

How Early Mentorship Can Shape a STEM Path

Hear from former MagLab student Esha Atolia about her experiences in the MagLab’s Ion Cyclotron Resonance Facility, how it helped shape her STEM career, and what advice she has for aspiring scientists today.

Mentoring Moments

Dorsa Komijani and mentor Steve Hill with their Nature publication

Team Effort Behind Big Publication

When a grad student's first publication lands in the top-tier journal Nature, you can bet it's not beginner's luck.

RET program

Teachers Tackle Science

Teachers went from their classroom to the lab to spend their summer break learning science skills.

From SciGirls to SciWomen

Mentoring Middle Schoolers

Teenagers from Leon County public schools spent their Fridays at the MagLab this fall, learning to use high-tech equipment and problem-solve in a world-class laboratory.

Last modified on 28 February 2025