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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

600 MHz 52 mm NMR Magnet – HTS Cold Probe

This magnet is equipped with an ultra sensitive superconductor-based probe for direct 13C detection in solution microsamples. The magnet is located at the Magnet Lab Tallahassee headquarters.

This solution 600 MHz NMR spectrometer is equipped with a unique 1.5 mm 1H–13C all-HTS Cold Probe. With rf coils made of high-temperature superconductor (HTS), the probe offers ultra high mass sensitivity for NMR experiments. The probe was originally developed in collaboration with Arthur Edison and in partnership with Varian Inc/Agilent Technologies. The sensitivity has been further improved with support from the NIH-funded National Resource for Advanced NMR Technology. Please visit Resource webpage for information on HTS probe technology development and its capabilities or to start a collaboration.

A Varian 5-mm HCN Cold Probe, and a 5-mm and 8-mm room-temperature solution probes are also available for use in this instrument.

To request time on this magnet, please visit Magnet Lab User Resources. The schedule of upcoming users on this instrument can be found on Magnet schedule page.



  • Field: 14.1 tesla
  • 1H Larmor frequency: 600 MHz
  • Bore size: 52 mm
  • Homogeneity: sub 1 ppb
  • Console: 
    • 3-channel Varian INOVA console with two linear full band and one linear broad band channels with 2H decoupling accessory and FTS variable temperature accessory. Software: VnmrJ 3.2
    • Varian NMR System console with 4 direct digital rf channels, single-axis PFG, CryoBay 7700 CS cryocooler, FTS VT accessory. Software: OpenVnmrJ 3.1 rev A. On loan from University of Florida.

Please follow Magnet Lab policy on reporting products (publications, talks, thesis) and acknowledging the use of Magnet Lab facilities in publications, presentations, etc.

In addition, for data acquired using 1.5 mm 1H–13C all-HTS Cold Probe, users should include the following acknowledgement: “Technology development for the 1.5 mm ultrasensitive NMR probe is supported by the National Resource for Advanced NMR Technology funded by the National Institutes of Health through grant RM1 GM148766.”

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Credit: National MagLab


For more information please contact Ashley Blue, Ilya Litvak.

Last modified on 20 November 2024

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