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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Spin Software

This program simulates powder or single-crystal EPR spectra for spin states with ½<S<5 using full diagonalisation of the spin Hamiltonian matrix.

Please follow these steps to use this software developed by Staff Scientist Andrzej Ozarowski.

Make a new folder on your hard drive. Go to and copy all files from that location into your folder.

The program SpinP.exe will work on your Windows 7 computer (and probably on Windows 8) provided that all those files are together in one folder.

It will work both under Windows 7 32 bit and Windows 7 64 bit. It will not work under Win XP.

For Windows XP, one may download Spin.exe. This does not require any additional files and will also work under Windows 7.

For details, please download Spin Instructions. Though outdated, this document is still useful.

Last modified on 14 March 2025