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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

9 Tesla Quantum Design PPMS Superconducting Magnet (SCM6)

9 Tesla Quantum Design PPMS Superconducting Magnet

This is a standard Quantum Design Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS).

Its main function is for electrical transport and heat capacity measurements and its purpose is to act as an onramp to characterize materials before accessing higher magnetic fields in the DC Field Facility. We particularly target researchers who do not have access to comparable equipment at their home institution.



  • Maximum Field: 9 tesla
  • Sample space: 25 mm
  • Homogeneity: 1000 ppm
  • Number of input and output leads possible: 16
  • Frequency: 0-100 kHz
  • Temperature Range: 1.8 – 400 K
  • Open for users who would pay for magnet time: Yes

  • Electrical transport: The PPMS is equipped with an option (“resistivity”) for measuring resistances in the range of ~ 10E-3 to 10E6 ohms using a dc current which alternates sign where three samples can be studied concurrently. The “ETO” option uses an AC waveform to measure two samples at a time up to 1E9 ohms.
  • Heat capacity: Crystals with masses of 1 – 200 mg can be measured using a Quantum Design heat capacity puck. This involves calibration of an addenda followed by fixing the crystal in place with grease.

  • Rough vacuum: Approximately 10 Torr of He-4 exchange gas remains when the sample chamber is pumped and purged at room temperature.
  • Ultra high vacuum: The sample chamber is exposed to a cryopump when lower pressure (~ 0.1 mTorr) is needed to decouple a heat capacity platform from the rest of the sample environment.

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Credit: National MagLab

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Last modified on 19 November 2024

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