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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Peter J Lee

Contact Information

Research Faculty III

ASC, Scientific Staff

Peter J Lee


Phone: (850) 645-7484

Address: 2031 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee FL 32310-

Building: Shaw Building


Personal Homepage

Educational Background

BSc (Metallurgy and Materials Science) 1980, University of Birmingham, UK University of Birmingham icon and link
PhD (Metallurgy and Materials Science) 1983, University of Birmingham, UK University of Birmingham icon and link

Research Interests

Understanding the microstructure/microchemistry/property relationships for advanced superconducting strands and cables and SRF cavities
Superconducting Materials for High Energy Physics, Fusion Applications and the National High Field Magnet Laboratory
Electron and Light Microscopy
Digital Image Analysis

Awards, Honors, and Service

IEEE Dr. James Wong Award for Continuing and Significant Contributions to Applied Superconductor Materials Technology (2014)
Distinguished University Scholar, Florida State University (2013)
Senior Member IEEE (2012-present)
Member, Editorial Board: IEEE Transactions in Applied Superconductivity (2008-2019)
