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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Laura H Greene

Contact Information

Chief Scientist

Management and Administration, Administration

Laura H Greene


Phone: (850) 644-1466

Address: 1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee FL 32310-3706

Building: NHMFL FSU


Educational Background

Ph.D., 1984, Physics, Cornell University
M.S., 1980, Experimental Physics, Cornell University
M.S., 1978, Physics, The Ohio State University
B.S., 1974, Physics, Cum laude, The Ohio State University

Research Interests

My research is in experimental condensed matter physics investigating strongly correlated electron systems. Much of my research focuses on fundamental studies to determine the mechanisms of unconventional superconductivity by planar tunneling and point contact electron spectroscopies, and on developing methods for predictive design of new families of superconducting materials. In our quest for these long-term goals, we perform spectroscopic studies of the electronic structure of heavy fermions, topological insulators and superconductors, and other novel materials that show strong electronic correlations. We also incorporate studies of superconducting proximity effects on novel normal-state and superconducting materials.

Professional Experience

2015-present, Chief Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

2015-present, Marie Krafft Professor of Physics, Florida State University

2015-2018, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute for Basic Sciences Center for Correlated Electron Systems (IBS CCES), Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

2015-present, Emerita Swanlund and Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics, University of Illinois

2009-present, Associate Director of the Center for Emergent Superconductivity (CES) an Energy Frontier Research Center (Brookhaven, Argonne, & University of Illinois).

2009-2015, Principal Investigator for the Illinois Branch of the CES

2010 Lent term, Visiting Fellow Commoner, Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK.

2010 Spring, Visiting Professor, University of California at Irvine

2009-2015, Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2004 Summer, Visiting Professor, CNRS, Orsay, France.

2000-2015, Swanlund Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1992-2015, Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.

1985-1992, Member of Technical Staff, Bellcore, Red Bank, NJ.

1983-1984, Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff, Bell Labs, then Bellcore, Murray Hill, NJ.

1979-1983, Research Assistant, Cornell University.

1978-1979, Teaching Assistant, Cornell University.

1976-1977, Research Assistant, The Ohio State University.

1975-1976, Teaching Assistant, The Ohio State University.

1974-1975, Member of Technical Staff, Physics Division, Hughes Aircraft Co., Torrance, CA.

1973-1974, Teaching Assistant, The Ohio State University (as an undergraduate).

1971-1973, Electronics Laboratory Assistant, The Ohio State University.

Awards, Honors, and Service

Appointed to President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (2021)
