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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Gregory S Boebinger

Contact Information

Director Emeritus

Director's Office, Administration

Gregory S Boebinger


Phone: (850) 644-0851

Address: 1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee FL 32310-3706

Building: NHMFL-FSU

Personal Homepage

Educational Background

1986, Ph.D. Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1982, Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Physics, Churchill College, Cambridge University
1981, B.S. Physics, Purdue University
1981, B.S. Electrical Engineering, Purdue University
1981, B.A., Philosophy, Purdue University

Professional Experience

April 1, 2004-present, Director, NHMFL
2002-2004, Deputy Director for Science Programs, LANL Div. of Material Science and Technology
July 1998-2002 Director, NHMFL Pulsed Magnetic Field Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory
1987-1998, Member Technical Staff, Physical Research Laboratory, Bell Laboratories
1986-1987, Postdoctoral Researcher, Groupe de Physique des Solides, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

Awards, Honors, and Service

Member of the National Academy of Sciences (2021)
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2017-present)
Member, Editorial Board: Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics (2010)
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2007)
Distinguished Science Alumnus: Purdue University School of Science (2005)
Commencement Speaker: Florida State University (2004)
Fellow: American Physical Society (1996)
Fellow: NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship (Ecole Normale Superieure (1986-1987)
Fellow: Fannie and John Hertz Foundation (MIT) (1982-1986)
Fellow: Karl Taylor Compton Foundation (MIT Physics Department) (1982-1985)
Commencement Speaker: Purdue University (1981)
Fellow: Winston Churchill Foundation (Cambridge University) (1981-1982)
