Scientists in the Condensed Matter Group include theory and experimental physicists who concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics.
These including magnetism, the quantum Hall effect, quantum oscillations, high-temperature superconductivity and heavy fermion systems. Go to our Research Areas page for a complete list of the group's research interests.
Group members directly support the user program and conduct fruitful collaborations with visiting scientists. Many supervise graduate students, introducing them to the professional world of research in high magnetic fields and helping to shape their careers.
The branches of the MagLab at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Florida also maintain very active research programs and user activities in theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics. Distinguished faculty at both campuses collaborate with scientists at other MagLab sites.
The MagLab’s Condensed Matter Science Group hosts regular seminars featuring the work of visiting scientists. All seminars are open to the public and take place in Room B101 of the MagLab. View seminar events.
Our ability to observe new physics sometimes depends on the thinnest of margins and in the case of MagLab users from McGill University, that margin is roughly 68nm. Using an innovative “cheese grater” technique to produce ultra-thin (68nm) flakes of elemental bismuth they found that the flakes displayed a temperature independent version of the anomalous hall effect that is not present in the bulk material. This discovery prompts a number of questions as to what governs the behavior of electrons in elemental bismuth.
The CMS group hosts a Theory Winter School in early January every year. The program primarily targets advanced graduate students and post-docs who may apply from any institution, worldwide. Student will also be invited to present posters, and their expenses will be partially covered by the MagLab, the major sponsor of this Winter School. View Theory Winter School Event.
Department Director
For information regarding the facility's capabilities and experiment support.
Coordinator, Administrative Services
For information regarding the Condensed Matter group.