Upcoming Events
Date: October 26, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Speaker: Gretchen Gueguen, Center for Open Science
Title: Open Science Framework workshop
Host: David Butcher, National MagLab; MagLab Center for FAIR and Open Science
Location: Zoom; https://cos-io.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qde6qrj0jEtc-m8F7s2FYN9FJA6jF4us5
Abstract: The importance of openness and reproducibility in science has greatly increased in recent years. Many funders and publishers now require - or will soon require - the open availability of research data and other research products. Open Science Framework (OSF) is an online platform that facilitates collaboration and helps you to make your research FAIR and open, allowing you to meet these requirements. Use of OSF is free to all researchers, and MagLab faculty and staff can take advantage of additional features thanks to our institutional membership. Join us for a workshop hosted by the Center for Open Science to learn how to use OSF to meet data sharing requirements and improve the openness, transparency, and reproducibility of your research.
Past Events
2021 FAIR Data User Workshop
This virtual 2021 User Workshop on October 12, 2021 featured talks from FAIR Data experts across scientific fields. Speakers shared their best practices for ensuring scientific data is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable to advance far-reaching goals and build a more equitable STEM ecosystem.
Over the last few years, researchers, institutions and funding organizations have begun to embrace the value of ensuring that data is FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable - by adhering to a set of guidelines called the FAIR principles. Among these benefits are:
- Enabling and enhancing reuse of data by humans and machines1
- Allowing broader access to publication, data, and other research materials and broader circulation of scientific knowledge2
- Greater return on investments in research data 1,2
- Increased opportunities for replication and expansion of scientific findings1
Given these benefits, it’s clear that the FAIR principles are set to cause a seismic shift in the way scientists collect, organize, and share their data in the coming years.
To help our users stay ahead of the curve, the MagLab is hosting a virtual user workshop focusing on the FAIR principles and featuring talks from FAIR data experts drawn from the various domains of research conducted at the MagLab. It will be a unique opportunity for MagLab users around the world to learn about the lab's efforts to implement the FAIR principles, provide feedback to guide the lab's implementation, and interface directly with FAIR data experts. We hope to see you there!
- NSF 19-069 Dear Colleague Letter: Effective Practices for Data
- Turning FAIR into reality - 2018 Report and Action Plan from the European Commission Expert Group on FAIR Data
Workshop Organizing Committee:
Plenary Session Speakers

Breakout Session Speakers
FAIR Data in Condensed Matter Science Session

FAIR Data in Chem/Bio Session

Tuesday, October 12
NOTE: All times are ET in the USA.
Time | Topic | Presenter/Session Chair/ Reporter |
9:30 AM | Practice Session for Speakers | |
10:00 AM |
Welcome |
Greg Boebinger, National MagLab |
10:05 AM |
Building a more FAIR MagLab - Talk |
David Butcher, National MagLab |
10:20 AM |
1. Plenary Talk: Data and Software: Important Building Blocks of Research - Talk |
Shelley Stall, Advancing Earth and Space Science |
11:05 AM | Break | |
11:20 AM |
2. Plenary Talk: Getting to the Future Faster: the FAIR Trade - Talk |
David Elbert, PARADIM MIP |
12:05 PM |
3. Plenary Talk: Enabling Registration, Identification, Integration, and Replication on OSF - Talk |
Eric Olson, Center for Open Science |
12:40 PM |
Unstructured Discussion |
Chaired by Lissa Anderson, National MagLab |
1:15 PM |
Lunch |
Two Parallel Breakout Sessions | ||
A. Condensed Matter Science Related Session - Scott Hannahs (Session Chair), Ryan Baumbach (Scribe) | B. Chem Bio Related Session - Lissa Anderson/ David Butcher (Session Chair), Lissa Anderson (Scribe) | |
1:30 PM | Practice Session for Speakers | Practice Session for Speakers |
2:00 PM | Nat Fortune (Smith College): Fear and Loathing on the FAIR Data Trail: Ideas on How to Get from Self Burden to Self-Benefit - Abstract | Talk | Kerstin Lehnert (The Earth Institute): OneGeochemistry, converging on metadatastandards in geochem community |
2:30 PM | Prof. Vincent Crespi (Pennsylvania State University): FAIR Data Plans and Practices at the Two-Dimensional Crystal Consortium - Talk | Rosalie Rossi (Texas A&M University): GRIIDC: Building a FAIR Multidisciplinary Data Repository out of an Environmental Disaster - Abstract |
3:00 PM | Break | Break |
3:15 PM | Fedor Balakirev (PFF LANL): OSF Tool Integrations - Abstract | Talk | Maryann Martone (University of California): Everyone wants to be FAIR; but how? - Abstract | Talk |
3:45 PM | Brian Maranville (NIST): FAIR data at the NIST Center for Neutron Research - Abstract | Talk | Damien Jeannerat (NMRprocess.ch): Development of a standard for FAIR data management of spectroscopic data |
4:15 PM | Panel discussion | Panel discussion |
4:45 PM | Joint Closing Remarks and Discussion - facilitated by two scribes | |
5:00 PM | Adjourn |