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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.


User working on probe for the 36 Tesla Series Connected Hybrid

High magnetic fields yield big discoveries that advance our world. 

Researchers at the MagLab are making scientific discoveries today that will lead to the technologies and scientific solutions of tomorrow.

Whether they are part of our robust in-house research groups or one of the nearly 2,000 visiting scientists who conduct experiments here annually, MagLab researchers understand how high magnetic fields lead to big discoveries across scientific disciplines.

Science in a Sentence

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Research Grand Challenges

High magnetic fields lead to discoveries on some of the world's most important scientific issues. From the realization of tomorrow's quantum technologies to combatting climate change and protecting planet Earth, high field research promotes human health, enables the magnet-based machines of the future, and helps solve the mysteries of the universe.

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Recent Science Highlights

Left: Calculated band structure of ZrSiS near the semi-Dirac point (black sphere).  Right: Comparison of the power-law behavior for the cyclotron energy versus magnetic field in various types of fermions in a log-log plot including this measurement.

Semi-Dirac Fermions in a Topological Metal

Shao, Y.; Moon, S.; Rudenko, A.N.; Wang, J.; Herzog-Arbeitman, J.; Ozerov, M.; Graf, D.E.; Sun, Z.; Queiroz, R.; Lee, S.; Zhu, Y.; Mao, Z.; Katsnelson, M.I.; Bernevig, B.A.; Smirnov, D.; Millis, A.J.; Basov, D.N., Physical Review X, 14, 041057 (2024)

Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.

The image illustrates the ability of the transition metal, titanium, to switch between oxidation states

High-Field EPR Reveals Differences in Titanium-Based Catalysts' Electronic Structure

Bhunia, M.; Mohar, J.S.; Sandoval-Pauker, C.; Fehn, D.; Yang, E.S.; Gau, M.; Goicoechea, J.; Ozarowski, A.; Krzystek, J.; Telser, J.; Meyer, K.; Mindiola, D.J., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146 (6), 3609-3614 (2024)

Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.

(a) Reflectance ratios of Mn3Si2Te6 as a function of magnetic field at 5.5 K. (b) Crystal structure showing two distinct Mn sites.

Unconventional insulator-to-metal phase transition in Mn3Si2Te6

Gu, Y.; Smith, K.; Saha, A.; De, C.; Won, C.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, L.; Cheong, S.; Haule, K.; Ozerov, M.; Birol, T.; Homes, C.; Dagotto, E.; Musfeldt, J., Nature Communications, 15, 8104 (2024)

Read the Science Highlight or check out the full publication online.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

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Research Groups

Condensed Matter

Scientists in the Condensed Matter Group include theory and experimental physicists on faculty at Florida State University concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics.


Many magnets at the MagLab operate only at very low temperatures made possible by cryogenics like liquid nitrogen and liquid helium. The Cryogenics Group does research and development to advance the field and support technology.

MagLab Scientist loading samples


The Geochemistry Group's research is centered around the use of trace elements and isotopes to understand Earth processes and the environment in the broadest sense.


Magnetic field research and magnets aren't just tools for fundamental research questions, but for applied work on new products and technologies. This field has played a critical role in developing new technologies used every day – from electric lights and computers to motors, plastics, high-speed trains and MRI. Learn more about how magnets can advance your business.

MagLab Engineer fabricating parts in CAD software
data collecting

Center for FAIR & Open Science

The MagLab’s Center for FAIR and Open Science aims to ensure that all products derived from research done at the MagLab are shared according to the principles of FAIR data and open science. Working with users and staff, this Center works to provide knowledge and tools that simplify the process of FAIR and open data management, making it an integral and seamless part of the research experience that maximizes benefit to all present and future stakeholders.

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