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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.


Summer camp attendees performing an experiment

The MagLab provides educational programming across all academic levels - from kindergarten to postdoctoral. 

With a strong commitment to education, the lab supports educational programming at all academic levels: K-12, technical, undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral.

Our programs are developed in close collaboration with research scientists and educators and are designed to excite and educate students and teachers of all ages about science, technology and the world around them.

Bulletin Board

2024 Fall National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Presentations

Couldn't make it to the 2024 Fall NSTA Conference? Download our education team's 2024 NSTA Conference - National MagLab RET: Collaborating with Research Scientists to Create Engaging Lesson Plans (1.72 MB) and 2024 NSTA Conference - Tesla Tales Presentation (5.65 MB).

Explore our Programs by Age Group

Science graphic

K-12 Students

The MagLab offers summer camps, internships and mentorships for K-12 students, as well as tons of educational resources found in our Magnet Academy section.

Science graphic for teaching


We offer development programs to help K-12 science teachers grow professionally and better serve their students.

Scientific graphic for college students

College Students

Undergrads from across the country can participate in hands-on research experiences at the lab, and the hundreds of grad students and postdocs working here benefit from academic and career support.

Upcoming Activities

Save the Dates

Program Application Deadline Program Starts Program Ends
Middle school summer camp April 8 July 14, July 21 July 18, July 25
High School Externship July 28 September May
REU January 10 May 27 August 7
RET April 8 In person- June 23-27 Virtual - Sept-Nov

Looking to Learn?

Preview image of a See Thru Science video

Want to brush up on electricity and magnetism fundamentals? Visit our Magnet Academy site, featuring demonstrations, videos, activities and more for all ages and learning styles.

MagLab Staff giving summer camp attendees a tour

Bring your class to the world's largest and highest-powered magnet lab for a field trip free of charge.

Early Mentorship Shapes STEM Path

We sat down on Zoom to talk to Esha Atolia about her time as a student in the MagLab's Ion Cyclotron Resonance facility and how it helped shape her STEM career. Watch and learn about her experience and what advise she has for young scientists today.

Stories about STEM Education

MagLab Scientist mentoring College Students


Mentorship is a way of life at the MagLab. Students and teachers of all ages learn from our scientists and educators through formal programs and informal teaching, furthering the lab's goal of nurturing the next generation of scientists. In this series, scientists, teachers and students share their stories.

MagLab Staff doing interactive demos with visiting elementary students

Explore STEM Education

Learn more about STEM education at the MagLab and hear stories about our programs' impact from former students and teachers.

College students in the REU program performing research

Education Research

Education staff members conduct rigorous research in the areas of teacher professional development and barriers for women and underrepresented minorities in STEM. The results of their research are presented at national conferences and published in key STEM education journals.