Deputy Lab Director
Murphy received his B.S. in physics in 1990 from Loras College and his M.S. in physics in 1993 from North Carolina State University. At NC State he studied under Prof. David Haase using ultra-low temperatures and magnetic fields to produce brute-force polarization of hydrogen nuclei for neutron scattering experiments at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. His master’s thesis project was the design, construction and testing of a dilution refrigerator intended as a platform for bolometers used to detect cosmic rays.
Murphy came to the National MagLab in 1994 as a user support scientist in the Instrumentation & Operations Group, where he worked on developing ultra-low temperature instrumentation and sample environments for measurements in high magnetic fields. At the MagLab he switched from nuclear physics to the study of correlated electron materials in high fields. Murphy was named Millikelvin Facility Chief in 2008, interim DC Field Facility Director in 2012 and DC Field Facility Director in 2014. In 2025, Murphy became a Deputy Lab Director.
See publications.
Photo credit: Stephen Bilenky