Chief Scientist for Ion Cyclotron Resonance
Following his B.A. at Northwestern University (1965) and Ph.D. at Stanford University (1970), Alan Marshall spent 11 years at the University British Columbia and 13 years at Ohio State University. In 1993 he moved to Florida State University.
He co-invented and leads the continuing development of Fourier transform ICR mass spectrometry. His current research includes FT-ICR instrumentation development, complex mixture analysis (e.g., petroleum and its products), and mapping primary and higher-order structures of proteins.
He has published five books, seven patents and 620 refereed journal articles (more than 31,500 I.S.I. citations), and has presented more than 2,000 seminars/posters.
His recognitions include: fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and National Academy of Inventors; three American Chemical Society national awards; American Society for Mass Spectrometry Distinguished Contribution Award; and International Society for Mass Spectrometry Thomson Medal.
See publications.
Email: Alan Marshall
Photo credit: Stephen Bilenky