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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

NMR/MRI Advisory Sub-Committee

* Member of Users Executive Committee

Vipin Agarwal
Vipin Agarwal

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Sy. No. 36/P, Gopanpally

Ranga Reddy District

Hyderabad -500 046, India

Phone: +91-40-20203073, +91-9873219804

Email: Vipin Agarwal

Research Interests: Our research has focused on developing solid-state NMR methods to characterize structure and dynamics of pharmaceuticals and biomolecules at fast MAS. We also use solid-state NMR to investigate amyloidogenic proteins.

Term: 1/2023-12/2025

Claudia Avalos
Claudia Avalos

New York University

Chemistry Department

Silver 704; 31 Washington Place; New York, NY 10013

Phone: +1 212 992 6541

Email: Claudia Avalos

Research Interests: My research group uses optical and magnetic resonance methods (ssNMR, EPR, NV magnetometry) to study the structure-function relationships of photoactive materials such as ferroelectrics, perovskites and organic chromophores.

Term: 1/2023-12/2025

Galia Debelouchina*
Galia Debelouchina*

University of California San Diego

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

9500 Gilman Dr # 0307

La Jolla, CA 92093

Phone: 858-534-3038

Email: Galia Debelouchina

Research Interests: My group is developing sensitivity-enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy techniques and applying them to study the structure of chromatin related proteins both in vitro and in cells.

Term: 1/2021-12/2026

Shella Keilholz*
Shella Keilholz*

Emory University/Georgia Tech

Department Biomedical Engineering

1760 Haygood Dr, HSRB Suite 200, Atlanta GA 30322

Phone: 404-727-2433

Email Shella Keilholz - GA Tech or Shella Keilholz - Emory

Research interest: Neuroimaging and multimodal studies of brain dynamics

Term: 1/2021-12/2026

Isabelle Marcotte
Isabelle Marcotte

Universite du Quebec a Montreal

P.O. Box 8888, Downtown Station,

Montreal (Qc) H3C 3P8 Canada

Phone: +1-514-987-3000 #5015

Email: Isabelle Marcotte

Web site: Visit Isabelle Marcotte page

Research Interests: Development of solid-state NMR and isotopic labelling methodologies to investigate complex biological systems such as intact cells and protein fibers. Investigation of the structure and interaction of constituents in intact cells by whole cell NMR.

Term: 1/2025-12/2027

Andre Obenaus
Andre Obenaus

University of California, Riverside

School of Medicine

Div. of Biomedical Sciences

207 SOM Research Bldg

Riverside, CA 92521

Phone: 951- 827-0735

Email: Andre Obenaus

Web site: Visit Andre Obenaus page

Research Interests: My primary research interest utilizes diffusion MRI (dMRI) to study brain microstructure in traumatic brain injury and in novel mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). We also study how the cerebrovasculature responds aging and brain injury using perfusion MRI combined with cellular and molecular approaches that could lead to potential new therapeutic avenues.

Term: 1/2025-12/2027

Frédéric A. Perras
Frédéric A. Perras

Ames National Laboratory

Iowa State University

2416 Pammel Drive, room 340A

Ames, IA 50011

Phone: 515-294-4992

Email: Frédéric A. Perras

Research Interests: My research interests center on the development of solid-state NMR and DNP methodology and their applications to the study of the interfaces of materials with a particular focus on the surfaces of heterogeneous catalysts. I believe that the success of NMR as a field of study in the United States crucially depends on the existence and funding of user facilities like the Maglab. Most research groups cannot justify the expense for ultrahigh field systems and would be priced out of the field without the Maglab. This would obviously be a loss for the research community, in particular my own.

Term: 1/2025-12/2027

Lothar R Schad
Lothar R Schad

Medical Faculty Mannheim

University Heidelberg

Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3

D-68167 Mannheim, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)621 383 5121

Email: Lothar R Schad

Research Interests: Developing of new MR techniques (23Na imaging, dynamic MRT, diffusion, perfusion, blood bolus tagging, BOLD MRI ) for clinical use in therapy planning and monitoring.

Term: 1/2023-12/2025

Jun Xu
Jun Xu

Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

National Centre for Magnetic Resonance in Wuhan

West No.30, Xiao Hong Shan, Wuhan 430071, China

Phone: +86-27-87197359

Email: Jun Xu

Research Interests: Solid-state NMR methods and applications to heterogeneous catalysts including zeolites and metal oxides. Catalytic reaction mechanism investigations by using in situ NMR techniques

Term: 1/2023-12/2025

For more information, contact User Program Chief of Staff Anke Toth.

Last modified on 16 December 2024