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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Feature Stories

We’ve got something for everyone here in Features — people stories, off-the-beaten-path kind of stories, science-in-action sagas. Take your pick!

Looking for more fun stories about science? Explore the basics of electricity and magnetism and the exciting discoveries that magnets enable in easy-to-understand language at Magnet Academy. 

National MagLab chemist Yan-Yan Hu has been awarded a prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation to study defects in materials.

With a prestigious prize from the National Science Foundation, MagLab chemist Yan-Yan Hu hopes to boost the performance of materials used in batteries…

Bursting the Oil/Water Bubble banner

How can the barrier between oil and water in emulsions be broken down? When things overlap, you often get more than the sum of those parts. Or as one …

Safer Lithium Batteries banner

Which adjoining ingredients can yield a better lithium ion battery? Learn about a scientist who is pushing the boundaries of knowledge by exploring th…